Classic - BookIt

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Setup in Successware

Before setting up the Successware BookIt add-on, there are three setup items that need to be completed. You will need to setup the Time Slot Capacity Manager, activate Successware BookIt from the Add-on Manager and set permissions to access the Successware BookIt admin site.


Time Slot Capacity Manager Setup

Before we setup the booking widget, you will need to setup the Time Slot Capacity Manager in Successware. This will allow you to define the types of work that can be setup through the Booking Widget and determine if you are full for a specific time for a specific day.

Access Time Slot Capacity Manager in Successware

You can find the Time Slot Capacity Manager under the Management Group in the Successware Main Menu.


Configure the overall settings for your Time Slots

The first step in configuring the Time Slots feature is to configure the overall settings. Later we will setup more specific settings.

1. Choose how your Time Slots will work for different days of the week.
2. Choose how appointments in these time slots will be counted.
3. Choose from other options such as allowing Overbooking and managing time slots on Saturdays and Sundays.
4. Click the Next button when you done.


Set up Time Slot Capacity Groups

Next you will need to create and setup your Time Slot Groups based on your Active Job classes.

1. First, we will need to setup the Time Slot Groups:

a. Select an Active Job Class.
b. Click the New Group button and type in a name for the group.

c. Repeat this process until all your desired groups are made.


2. Once you have your Time Slot Groups set up:

a. With the desired Time Slot Group selected choose an Active Job Class from the left-hand Menu.

b. Click the > button to move these selections to Time Slot Group.
c. Repeat to complete setting up your Time Slots.
d. Click the Next button when you are done.

Create Default Slots

After the groups are created, we will need to create default Time Slots for each of your Time Slot groups. These will later be used to make the Time Slots for individual days.
Important: These are default time slots only meaning that editing these will not change any already created time slots. Also, you can change the times later to be different on a day-by-day basis.

You will create a default slot for each group by:
1. Select a Group and then select a Day to work with.
2. Enter a start time and end time and the length of time each slot should encompass.

3. Click Create Slots.
4. Once you have the slots created, you can modify the existing time lots:

  • Add a new Time Slot by clicking the Add button.
  • Edit an existing Time Slot by choosing the time slot box and ten clicking the Edit button.
  • You can remove a Time Slot by clicking the Delete button and choosing the desired time Slot from the drop down.
  • Be sure to Save any changes that you make.

Create Daily Slots

With the default Daily Slots created, you will need to create the Time Slots for the next several days.

1. Select a Date to create the Time Slots through. By default, the system will have a date that is 3 weeks into the future.
2. Click Create. The Time Slots will be created for those days and they will have the checkbox under them checked to show this.
3. You can then modify an individual date’s Time Slots by double clicking on the checkbox under them.

From there you can:

  • Add a new Time Slot by clicking the Add button.
  • Edit an existing Time Slot by choosing the time slot box and ten clicking the Edit button.
  • You can remove a Time Slot by clicking the Delete button and choosing the desired time Slot from the drop down.
  • Be sure to Save any changes that you make.



Creating your Booking Widget

Setting up the Booking Widget Admin Portal

When you setup the Successware BookIt add-on, you will need to set it up through the Add-On Manager.

1. First go the Successware Main Menu and click on Add-On Manager found in the Setup group.

2. In the Add-on Manager, navigate to Browse More Add-ons if you are not there already.
3. Navigate to the Successware BookIt Add-on.
4. Click the Add Button.

5. The first page will have some information you can read and links to click on to get more information.
6. Click Next.

7. The next page will ask you to confirm your account.

a. If you do not have an account already, you can click “I’m New to Successware BookIt”. You will be taken to a website to sign up for the service.
b. If you have spoken with Customer Service to have the account made, you can click “Confirm Account”. You will see a message that the account has confirmed as long as your account is created.


Otherwise you will be prompted to sign up for the service.


8. Click Next once your account is Confirmed.

9. You will need to set up the Agent Information for this add-on. This information is used to link your Successware instance with Successware BookIt.

a. Enter the Agent Password

  • We recommend that you click on the Generate Random Password link at the bottom of the screen.
  • You can alternatively create the password. You will not need to remember this password as it is only used between Successware and Successware BookIt.

b. Enter your URL of your SWAPI instance.

  • (LAN customers) Verify that your public IP address and port (probably 2143) of your server are filled in correctly. Please ask your IT person for assistance.
  • (Cloud-hosted Customers) This information will be filled out for you automatically.

c. Your Master ID will already be listed. This is used to help Successware BookIt identify your company.

d. Once the information is entered click on the Verify SWAPI Connectivity button.


This will show a prompt showing that the connection was successful.


10. You will be taken to the Successware BookIt admin site.

11. In Successware, you will be presented the Successware BookIt add-on page.


On this page you will see links for:
a. Documentation
b. Disable/turn off the add-on
c. View SWAPI connections and sessions
d. Change the password and reestablish the SWAPI Connection
e. You can also enable/disable specific companies/database for this add-on. By default, all are enabled.


User Permission Setup

To be able to access the Successware BookIt admin site using your Successware credentials, you will need to first setup permissions. If this permission is not checked, you will not be able to access the admin site.

1. From the User Manager, double click on your username.

2. Note which User Group you are a part of.
3. Click on the Groups button.
4. Click the Edit Button.
5. Navigate to the “Other/Misc - 4” tab.

6. Ensure the “Online Booking Admin” checkbox is checked.
7. Click Save.


Subsequent Returns

If you need to access the Successware BookIt admin site once the add-on is added, you can return to it by accessing the link from the Successware Main Menu.


Logging into Successware BookIt and Creating your Widget
1. Use your Successware username and password to log in to the admin site and click Login.

2. You will be taken to the Successware BookIt admin site.
3. To create your widget, click on the Get Started button in the middle of the screen.



Setting up your Company Information

When you begin to setup the widget, you will need to begin by setting up your Company Information.

1. Choose the correct Successware company from the Drop Down.
2. Enter your desired Company Name and Address.
3. Click the Upload Company Logo and choose an image for your logo.

The following image formats are accepted for logos:
• .jpe, .jpeg, .jpg
• .gif
• .png
• .bmp
• .ico
• .svg, .svgz
• .tif, .tiff
• .ai
• .drw,
• .ptc
• .psp
• .xcf
• .psd
• .raw
• .webp



Setting up or Editing your Services

With your company information setup, next you can setup the services. These will use the Time Slots that were setup in Successware as the basis for the available options. During the process you can choose to give the Slot Type and Job Type with user-friendly names which will appear in front of the customer during the booking process.

1. Choose the Service Type (Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, or Roofing) by clicking on it.

  • If you would like to add a different customer service type, click Other.

2. Then choose a Slot Type from the drop-down menu.

  • You can give this field a user-friendly name using the adjoining text field. This is the name the customer will see in the booking process.

3. You can now choose a Job Type for this Time Slot and provide a user-friendly name if desired.
4. You can add multiple Slot Types or multiple Job Types to a Slot Type by clicking the + icon next to other entries.

  • Clicking the x button next to an entry will cause it to be removed.

5. Continue this process until you are complete then click the Save or Update button on the bottom of the page.



Editing an Existing Service

1. You can Edit a Service anytime by clicking the Edit link next to a service.
2. You can then add, edit, or remove Slot Types and Job Types from a service.
3. Click the Update button to save your changes.

IMPORTANT: After you finish editing an already existing service or make any other changes, you MUST click the Update Widget at the bottom of the screen to implement the changes made. Otherwise your changes will not be updated and won’t be seen.



Customizing the colors and font for your Booking Widget

With Successware BookIt, you can change the colors and font of your booking widget to match the colors of your business’s theme.

1. The color pickers allow you to select the layout colors and font colors for your booking widget, so it can better match your website.

  • By mousing over the color picker, you can see where the color you are choosing will appear on the booking widget.

2. Choose your desired font from the Primary Font drop down.
3. Then click Create Widget to create your booking widget. You can also cancel if desired.

You can change your colors and font at any time. After you make any updates, make sure you click on Update Widget to make sure that the effects are shown in the live widget.



Example of Colors

Here is an example of how the colors will look on the website the customer will see. These colors have been made different so you can see the different effects. The colors below are labeled with numbers to make finding some instances of the colors easier.



Example site:



Obtaining the HTML Widget code

After you create the widget, you will see a page that contains the script needed to hook up the booking widget to your website. You will need to copy the script and add it to your website or have your website manager add it.

Click Okay once you are ready to continue to go back to the portal. You will see the instructions to add this on your website once you go back to the portal.

When you go back to the next page, you can choose to add more widgets if you have multiple companies.



Adding your Booking Widget to your website

Follow the instructions on the screen and listed below to add the booking widget to your website. You can obtain a copy of the script line at the bottom of the page if you need it.

If you are uncertain about how to add the widget, please have a certified/professional web designer modify your webpage.



Editing or Deleting a Booking Widget

You can edit or delete a booking widget using the buttons at the bottom of this page.

If you make any changes, you must make sure to click Update Widget and then refresh your website that contains the widget to see the effects of the change.



Customer Booking Process

Entering the Job Details

First your customers will be asked about their desired type of service.

1. Your customers will access the booking link embedded as a link on your company’s webpage.
2. Once they click on the booking link, they will be directed to the first step in the booking process and allow them to:

a. Choose a Service Type.
b. Choose a type of visit.
c. Choose their situation.
d. Add any additional comments about the job.

3. The customer then clicks the Next button to move to the next step.



Searching for their Account

After selecting the service that they need, your customer will search for their account.

1. Your customer will then be asked to provide some identifying information to determine if they are an existing customer.
2. Your customer then clicks the Next button to move to the next step.
3. If the system cannot find your customer, they will be prompted that their account cannot be found and asked to make a new account.




Creating a New Customer (if necessary)

If your customer does not exist in the system currently, they will be asked to add themselves as a customer.

1. They will need to fill out their contact information.
2. They will then click Register.



Confirming the Service Location

Once the customer confirms their account, they will be able to confirm where the service is going to take place. 

1. The customer will then be presented with location information.
2. If there is more than one matching location the customer can select the accurate record.
3. If no record is found then the customer can add a new address.
4. Once this is completed the customer clicks the Next butting to move to the next step.



Choosing a Date and Time Slot

Your customer will be asked to select a Date and a Time Slot that they would like the service. The available times are determined by the Time Slots and which ones are or are not full.

1. The customer will first select an available date.
2. Then they will be asked to select an available time. These options are presented to the customer based on how these are configured in Successware.



Confirm Contact Information

The customer will be asked to confirm the best information to reach them and who should be requested. This allows one customer to have you ask for a different customer. For example, a landlord could have you contact the tenant if you need to contact them on the day of the service.

1. The customer can then enter their preferred contact information including Name, Email Address and phone number.
2. They will click confirm.



Appointment is then sent to dispatch board in Successware

Once the service request has been confirmed, you will be able to see the assignment on the dispatch board.

1. Your Dispatchers can see these appointments at the top of the Dispatch Board.
2. The current availability for your Time Slots can also been see on the right-hand side of the screen.




Looking for a more interactive course on BookIt? Check out our Learning Management System (LMS)! Our courses are available to all Successware users. If you don't have a sign-in for our LMS, contact us at for a free account.



Troubleshooting the BookIt Widget

If your company uses a WordPress website, you may find that the BookIt widget interferes with your WordPress site making things look overlayed or misaligned.


This is the result of the WordPress styling overriding the BookIt widget styling.  The workaround to this issue is to place the BookIt widget on a separate page outside of your WordPress template on a subdomain such as, and then add a link to the widget in the main WordPress template.


Recommended Steps:

1. Download the index.txt file attached to the bottom of this article.  

2. Rename the index.txt file to either index.htm or index.html.

3. Edit the file by replacing the text below with your actual information.




4. You can validate that this was done correctly by opening the index file in Chrome or Firefox. If it is correct, your browser will load the BookIt widget automatically.

5. Place this .htm/html file outside of your WordPress template.

6. On your WordPress template, add a link to the index file.

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