Classic - Successware Invoice (Previously Successware Pay)

  • Updated

To start using Successware Invoice (previously Successware Pay) you must have an account with Successware Payments. Please contact for more information on using Successware Payments.


Enabling Successware Invoice

First you need to enable the Successware Invoice Add-On to talk to SWAPI.

1. Login to Successware.
2. Open the AddOn Manager from the tool bar. Click the puzzle icon.


3. Locate Successware Invoice in More Add-Ons and select “+Add”

4. Click next through the wizard to SWAPI Connect.
5. Verify Successware Invoice's SWAPI Connectivity

a. If the Agent Password field is blank, click Generate Random Password (or type in a password)
b. Enter the URL for your SWAPI Instance.

i. (LAN customers) Verify that your public IP address and port (probably 2143) of your server are filled in correctly. Please ask your IT person for assistance.
ii. (Cloud-hosted Customers) This information will be filled out for you automatically.

c. Your Master ID will be automatically completed.
d. Click the Verify SWAPI Connectivity button.


e. Once Successware Invoice has successfully connected to SWAPI, you will receive a message. Click OK. This will open the Success Tools Admin Portal. Before you can login here, you need to setup the User Permission for Invoice Admin.

6. In Successware, you will be presented with the Successware Invoice add-on page. On this page you will see links for:

a. Documentation
b. Disable/turn off the add-on
c. View SWAPI connections and sessions
d. Change the password and reestablish the SWAPI Connection
e. You can also enable/disable specific companies



User Permission Setup

To be able to access the Success Tools Admin Portal, you will need to setup your permissions. If this permission is not checked, you will not be able to access the admin site.

1. From the User Manager, double click on your username.
2. Note which User Group you are a part of.
3. Click on the Groups button.
4. Click the Edit Button.
5. Navigate to the “Other/Misc - 4” tab.
6. Ensure the “SW Invoice Admin” checkbox is checked.
7. Click Save.



Connecting Invoice to a Credit Card Processor

In order to setup Successware Invoice, a few key pieces of information will be needed from Successware Payments.

If you are using Successware Payments, you will need to gather the API Key, Merchant ID, and Web Token. You can get the API Key, Merchant ID, and Web Token by emailing us at:



Setting up Successware Invoice

Successware Invoice is setup in the Success Tools Admin Portal. The portal will automatically open when you verify your SWAPI Connectivity. You can also access it at any time from the Successware Main Menu by selecting the Successware Invoice link.


1. Login to Success Tools Admin portal. You must have the ‘Invoice Admin’ permission in Successware.

2. Choose your company and enter in the required fields.


3. Fill in the following fields Successware Payments:


For Successware Payments, enter the following information:
a. Web Token
b. Merchant ID
c. API Key



Sending the Invoice Link to Homeowners from Mobile

1. In Successware Mobile, you will need to open the invoice by tapping on the Pay button from the invoice screen or the main job screen.
2. This will open the Invoice Preview screen.
3. Use the text or email option at the top to send the invoice and a payment link to the homeowner.

4. If there isn't a primary phone number on the customer's account, Successware will ask you to confirm the customer's phone number before sending a text.


a. The payment link will expire in 10 days. If the homeowner does not pay in that time, another email with a new pay link will need to be sent to the homeowner.

5. The homeowner will pay by credit card or ACH.



Sending the Invoice Link to Homeowners from Successware Classic

1. In Successware, go to the Invoice Management menu.
2. Select an invoice.
3. Use the email option to send the invoice and a payment link to the homeowner.

a. The payment link will expire in 10 days. If the homeowner does not pay in that time, another email with a new pay link will need to be sent to the homeowner.

4. The homeowner will pay by credit card or ACH.



Posting Payments from Successware Invoice

When customers complete payments in Successware Invoice, these payments will be transferred to Successware in real time. You will be notified in Successware of payments when looking at a customer, billing account, or account register. A red badge will appear indicating the number of unposted payments that have been received.

1. On the Customer Form, if the customer has any unposted deposits or payments, a red badge will appear next to the Account Number. Click this badge to open a form where deposits and payments for that account can be posted.


2. On the Billing Account History Form, if the customer has any unposted deposits or payments, a red badge will appear next to the Account Number indicating the number of unposted deposits and payments. Click this badge to open a form where deposits and payments can be posted.


3. On the Account Register, when reconciling the Undeposited Funds account, if there are any unposted deposits or payments, a red badge will appear next to the text “Select an Activity” indicating the number of unposted deposits and payments for the company. Click this badge to open a form where all unposted deposits and payments can be posted.


4. Click on the badge to review and post the unposted receipts from Successware Invoice.


When the payments are posted, they are allocated to the invoice, and the transaction shows in receivables and undeposited funds.


Looking for a more interactive course on Successware Invoice? Check out our Learning Management System (LMS)! Our courses are available to all Successware users. If you don't have a sign-in for our LMS, contact us at for a free account.


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