Classic - Successware Integrations

  • Updated

At Successware, we partner with best-in-class providers across the tech community to extend the features of Successware and create a true one-stop, integrated solution for your company.


Payment Processing

Successware Payments

Successware Payments is our in-house payment processing solution that is fully integrated within Successware and Successware Mobile.


Successware Payments:

  • Empowers your customers to pay you faster.
  • Streamlines your most time-consuming accounting tasks.
  • Offers simplified billing and digital invoicing.
  • Helps your customers say YES to more products and services.

Discover More About Successware Payments



Payroll Processing Integrations

Pay your team, track time, and offer competitive employee benefits all in one place.



ADP logo

Visit ADP's Website 


QuickBooks Payroll

intuit QuickBooks Payroll

QuickBooks Payroll



Online Reputation Management

Your clients increasingly rely on other customers’ reviews when choosing a contractor. Managing your online reputation is essential to your company's continued growth. To aid you in this, we have teamed with the top companies in the field of reputation management to offer seamless integrations to their services.


PulseM logo


Podium logo
Review Buzz logo



GPS Integration


Successware is proud to partner with Webfleet and the company's OnPoint AVS, the leading fleet management provider in the home services industry. Webfleet has a unique understanding of the fleet needs of the residential service contractor.

Webfleet Certified Partner




Document and Image Capture

The capture and storage of photos and documents allows you to have a more complete overall view of your customer. Successware will enable you to store these images and documents in folders specific to each service location in two ways.



Dropbox logo

Our Dropbox integration allows you to access a folder containing documents and images for a service location in a cloud-based Dropbox account that is accessible from with Successware and Successware Mobile.

Dropbox Business



CompanyCam logo

Successware also integrates with CompanyCam, an app for your technician’s phone or tablet that allows them to take and store pictures or scan documents.

Whenever a job is created in Successware, the job-site location/address will be added to CompanyCam as a “Project.” Technicians can then take a picture or scan a document into CompanyCam for the service location. CompanyCam verifies the geolocation and then uploads the image or document. Your office team can then access each of the images in real time. The "Project" will have all images associated with that address from all jobs that have been completed.




Third-Party PriceBook Imports

While you can build your own Flat Rate PriceBook in Successware, we have also worked with the industry's top third-party price book providers to create a simple and easy import of your information.


The New Flat Rate

the new flat rate logo

Profit Rhino

Profit Rhino logo

NSPG Price Guide

NSPG Price Guide

Scheduling Engine Software Integration

Schedule Engine is the recommended integrated scheduling software with Successware. It allows you to offer customers intelligent online repair and sales scheduling that automatically confirms their appointments through text and voice.

Schedule Engine logo


Schedule Engine

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