Most of the Successware Platform reports are generated from the Report Gallery. You can access the Report Gallery by going to the Main Menu, clicking on Reporting, and then clicking on Report Gallery. Some screens in Successware Platform will allow you to print what you see on screen in either PDF or CSV format. These are called Grid Reports.
This article will review the screens where you can access Grid Reports, as well as the reports available in the Reporting module.
Some screens in Successware allow you to print grid reports. Grid reports give you the ability to print what you are currently viewing on screen.
You can create grid reports from the following modules:
Agreement Manager
Receivables Manager
Invoice Manager
Purchasing Manager
Payables Manager
Inventory Manager
Account Register
Journal Entry
Creating a Grid Report
- Open the page and use the appropriate filters to display the records you wish to print.
- The Grid Report form will open displaying all of the fields that are available for the report. You may check (or un-check) to select the fields you wish to include on the report.
- Click Export to view the report.
Printing a Marketing List or Labels
There are several Marketing reports available in the Report Gallery under the Reporting module. In addition, there's a Marketing report that can be run from the Invoice Manager.
To access the Marketing report in the Invoice Manager:
1. From the Customer Service module, select Invoice Manager.
2. Click the ellipsis next to the Export CSV button and select Marketing Report.
3. Click the Print button.
4. Choose the Mode by selecting Labels or Lists for Billing accounts only, Locations only, or Locations and Billing accounts.
5. The labels are formatted to print on 81⁄2” x 11” sheets of 1” x 2 5⁄8” labels such as Avery 5160 labels.
6. Choose the Print or Print Preview button to generate the report.
Reporting Center
The reports listed below are available in the Reporting Center.
My Reports
When you access the Reporting Center, the top option on the left side of the page is the My Reports list. You can populate this list by clicking the star icon on any report. This allows you to group your favorite reports all in one place to make them easier to access.
AR Invoice Reports
AR Invoice List
This report provides a list of invoices within a date range.
Recommended Filters:
Report Option- This filter allows you to include details about the invoice items, payments, and invoices where the balance is greater than $0.
Invoice Types- This allows you to select whether you'd like to view invoices associated with Jobs, Projects, Agreements, and/or Counter Sales.
Invoice Item Details
This report shows all cost detail items that were recorded on the invoice.
Recommended Filters:
Date Option- You can view the report by the date of the invoice, or the date the invoice was paid in full.
Show Date Paid and Balance- Select Yes from the drop-down to see the date the invoice was paid, and any remaining balance.
Sales Analysis Report
Describes the revenue earned from sales calls across a period of time. This report is useful in narrowing down which kinds of targeted marketing are bringing in the most money.
Recommended Filters:
Invoice From Date- If you select "Null", it will give you all sales from your beginning with Successware.
Invoice Types- This filter includes options for Job, Agreement, Project, and Counter Sale so you can see which are making the most money.
Items to Analyze- Several options are available, and will change what is displayed in the line items of the report. We recommend using Job Class to see which types of jobs are bringing in the most revenue.
Job Lead Source- This filter will help you determine which ways of marketing your business are making the most money.
Sales Person / PrimaryTechnician- These filters can help you see who is bringing in the most money.
Sales Invoice Item
This report shows a list of all items that are listed on invoices over a period of time.
Recommended Filters:
Detail Options- This filter will allow you to see the invoice item details as well as hours/PLM breakdown/margin details.
Sales Invoice Item Paybase
This report shows the invoices where an employee has earned piece rate wages.
Recommended Filters:
Pay Base Tech- This filter allows you to narrow down the report to specific employees, or all employees who are paid piece rate wages.
Print Options- This drop-down allows you to include effective hourly rate comparisons and the labor percent of sale.
Sales Invoices
This report is helpful for pulling in Profit Loss Margin (PLM) data.
Recommended Filters:
Date Type- For this field, we recommend using Item date.
Invoice Types- This depends on what sort of sale you're interested in reviewing. The most common options for this field are either Job invoices or Project Invoices.
Job Type / Job Class / Department- These fields can help narrow down what sort of jobs are bringing in the most profit.
Detail Options- We recommend checking the box for, "Include Hours/PLM breakdown/Margin".
Sales Tax
This report shows sales tax amounts that have been included on invoices.
Recommended Filters:
Group Options- This filter allows you to group the results by tax code or sub-code.
Taxable Options- This filter allows you to view all invoices, or just the invoices that have taxable items.
Accounts Payable Reports
Prints end of year 1099-MISC forms for IRS submission on approved pre-printed forms.
Recommended Filters:
Select Tax Year- This option allows you to specify if the report should be populated with information for the last calendar year, or the current calendar year.
AP Aging
Aging Accounts Payable accounts can help you determine which vendors you should pay next. Aging accounts reads the open items' transaction date, compares them against the current date and then classifies the items as being 30, 60 or over 90 days overdue.
This report shows accounts with an open balance that are over 30 days old. If you want to bring account aging up to date prior to running the report, you can go to Age Accounts from the Payables Manager.
Recommended Filters:
Date Type- This option allows you to view the report by Item Date, Post Date, or Due Date.
Detail Options- This filter controls whether the report shows Invoice Details, Vendor Summaries, or the Total Only.
OverDue Options- This filter has options for All, Overdue, Over 30 Days, Over 60 Days, and Over 90 Days.
AP Invoice List
This report produces a list of accounts payable invoices.
Recommended Filters:
Posted Options- This filter allows you to generate the report with posted invoices, unposted invoices, or all invoices.
Adjusting Options- This option changes the report to show all invoices, just the invoices that have not been adjusted, or invoices that are currently being adjusted.
Include Invoice Detail- This required filter asks you to choose whether or not to include details of the invoice in the report.
Include Canceled Invoices- This filter allows you to see canceled invoices, or to exclude them from the report.
AP Item Distribution
This report shows a list of purchased items.
Recommended Filters:
Show Expanded Details- This filter defaults to No. Switching this to Yes will show GL Transaction IDs for the receipt and invoice.
AP Pending Transactions
This report includes unposted invoices that have a posted receipt.
Recommended Filters:
Vendor #- You can narrow down the report to only show particular vendors.
Detail Option- This filter has options to show Invoice Summary or Summary Totals.
AP Transactions
This report shows a list of all Accounts Payable transactions.
Recommended Filters:
Payable Type- This filter allows you to view all types of transactions, or you can select whether you'd like to include options like adjustments, credit memos, invoices, payments, and refunds.
Adjustment Code- This filter allows you to select a specific adjustment code if you choose to view adjustments in the report.
AP Vendor List
This report prints a list of vendors.
Recommended Filters:
Include Only 1099 Vendors- This filter allows you to specify if only 1099 vendors should be included in the report.
Expanded Details- This yes or no filter allows you to specify if you would like to see expanded details such as the address and remit address for each vendor.
Account Payable 1099 Listing
This report shows vendor payments to 1099 vendors.
Recommended Filters:
Print Options- This drop-down allows you to choose if you would like to see the report with allocation details.
Open Payables
This report shows payables information for each vendor.
Recommended Filters:
Date Type- This option allows you to view the report by Item Date, Post Date, or Due Date.
OverDue Options- This filter has options for All, Overdue, Over 30 Days, Over 60 Days, and Over 90 Days.
Detail Options- This filter controls whether the report shows Invoice Details, Vendor Summaries, or the Total Only.
Accounts Receivable Reports
AR Aging
Once accounts with an open balance have remained unpaid for a certain amount of time, you will want to be able to identify those open items for the sake of pursuing payment as well as assigning finance charges. Aging accounts reads the open items' transaction date (either invoice date or adjustment date), compares them against the current date and then classifies the items as being 30, 60 or over 90 days overdue.
This report shows accounts with an open balance that are over 30 days old. If you want to bring account aging up to date prior to running the report, you can go to Age Accounts from the Receivables Manager.
Recommended Filters:
Date Type- This filter can show accounts by Item Date or Post Date.
OverDue Options- This filter can show accounts that have any open items, or items that are 30, 60, or 90 days overdue.
Detail Options- This filter can show accounts with Invoice Details, Customer Summary, or Totals Only.
AR Transactions
This report allows you to view all types of accounts receivable transactions or select specific types, such as payments, deposits, adjustments, finance charges and/or invoices.
Recommended Filters:
Summary Only- We recommend selecting Yes so you can compare the summary total against the Balance Sheet report.
Open Receivables
This report shows accounts with open balances, and notes how many days each is overdue.
Recommended Filters:
Date Type- This filter can show accounts by Item Date or Post Date.
OverDue Options- This filter can show accounts that have any open items, or items that are 30, 60, or 90 days overdue.
Detail Options- This filter can show accounts with Invoice Details, Customer Summary, Totals Only, or Allocation Details
Include Billing Acct Notes- This option allows you to see any billing notes for the account.
Agreement Reports
Agreement Anniversary
This report shows commissions to be paid for new and renewed agreements, and on anniversary dates for perpetual agreements.
Recommended Filters:
Group By- This filter will allow you to group the results by several criteria, such as Sales Person, Agreement Type, and Agreement Month.
Agreement Billings Due
This report lists agreements that have periodic billings due within the selected date range.
Recommended Filters:
From Date / Thru Date- These fields will allow you to specify a timeframe for the periodic billings that are due.
Agreement Deferral Analysis
This report is useful if you are using Deferred Revenue for Maintenance Agreements. The Deferred Balance should match the Balance Sheet balance for the account.
Recommended Filters:
Summary Only- We recommend selecting Yes so you can compare the summary total against the Balance Sheet report.
Agreement List
This report shows a list of agreements that have been created.
Recommended Filters:
Active Status- This drop-down allows you to control whether the report include Activated, Converted but not Committed, Not Activated, or All agreements.
Show Equipment Covered- This yes or no drop-down controls whether the report shows the equipment covered by the agreement.
Include Customer Info- This will show the customer's location information.
Show Visit Counts- This will display how many visits are included in the agreement, how many have been completed, and how many remain.
Agreement Profitability
This report compares revenue against cost to show the profitability of your agreements.
Recommended Filters:
Coverage Types- This drop-down allows you to select whether you want to see maintenance agreement data, service agreement data, or both.
Proj Maint Margin %- This filter will change how the report calculated maintenance agreement margins.
Proj Service Margin %- This filter will change how the report calculated service agreement margins.
Agreement Reserve Analysis
This report is useful if you are using Agreement Reserve for Service Agreements. The Reserve Balance should match the Balance Sheet balance for the account.
Recommended Filters:
Summary Only- We recommend selecting Yes so you can compare the summary total against the Balance Sheet report.
Agreement Visits Due by Month
This report shows the agreement visits that are due by month within a timeframe.
Recommended Filters:
SubTotal Options- This filter has options for Summary Only, Agreement Type, Visit Type, Zone, Zip, and Department.
Type of Visits- This filter has options for Show Unscheduled Only, Show Uninvoiced Only, or Show All Visits.
Agreements Due for Renewal
This report lists agreements that are due for renewal within a selected date range.
Recommended Filters:
Show Equipment Covered- This is a required filter that asks if you would like the report to show the equipment covered by the agreement.
Pending Agreement Renewals
This report lists renewals that have been created but are not yet activated.
Recommended Filters:
From Date / Thru Date- These two date fields will allow you to specify the timeframe for the list of renewals that have been created but not yet activated.
Commission Reports
Commissions Summary
This report displays a summary of commissions earned by employees over a period of time.
Recommended Filters:
Earned From Date / Earned Thru Date- This date range can narrow down the results for the report.
Employee- This filter will allow you to select specific employees to view.
Payroll Period- This filter allows you to choose specific payroll periods to review.
Job Number- If you have a specific job you want to review, you can add the job number in this filter.
Equipment Reports
Equipment Comparison List
This report displays locations that have equipment of varying ages and compares that against other locations.
Recommended Filters:
Type 1 / 2- These filters allow you to select specific types of equipment.
Job Type 1 / 2- These filters will allow you to narrow down the results of the report to specific types of jobs.
Equipment List
This can tell you the age of equipment and is a good marketing resource.
Recommended Filters:
Serial Number- If there is a recall, you can use part of the serial number.
Installed By Us- We recommend selecting All from the drop-down.
Service Options- We recommend selecting Serviced so you can see the ones that have been serviced.
Equipment Warranty List
This report is useful if you are using Warranty Reserve for In-house Warranties. The Reserve Balance should match the Balance Sheet balance for the account.
Recommended Filters:
Thru Date- Should match the end of the fiscal period.
From Date- This field should be set at one year previous to the end of the fiscal period.
Financial Reports
The Financial Report group includes General Ledger and Account Register reports. Some of our reports display EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) information. In order for the EBITA information to show, you will need to specify which accounts should be considered Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. To specify the accounts for each:
1. From the Main Menu, select Reporting and click on Report Gallery.
2. Select Financial Reports and click EBITA Setup.
3. Click the three vertical dots next to each section to select the accounts that should be included for each.
4. Check the box for each account that you wish to add, and click OK.
5. Once you have added accounts to the Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization fields, click the Save button in the lower right corner.
Balance Sheet
This report will generate a list of all Assets and Liabilities for a period. Once all transactions that affect the fiscal period have been posted, you can generate a Balance Sheet for the fiscal period.
Recommended Filters:
Year- This is a required field.
Period- This is a required field.
Charts of Accounts
This report shows the Chart of Accounts, which can also include sub accounts.
Recommended Filters:
Show Sub Account- This drop-down will allow you to show or hide sub accounts.
Check Register
This report shows uncleared transactions so you can reconcile the General Ledger account.
Recommended Filters:
Account #- This is a required field where you will select a checking, savings, credit card, or undeposited funds account.
Item Cleared- We recommend selecting Not Cleared in this field. The uncleared items should match the account balance on the Balance Sheet.
GL Transactions
This report will include any transactions that were posted to an account from an origin that should not affect your cash accounts. The most likely reason is a Journal Entry. After identifying the origin of the incorrect entry, you will correct the entry from the source in order to put the account in balance.
Recommended Filters:
Origin- If your balances do not match, the Origin field can help determine which General Ledger transaction caused the imbalance.
Income Statement
This report will show the total sales and customer refunds over a period of time.
Recommended Filters:
Criteria- This filter allows you to generate the report for a fiscal period range, or a specific date range.
Report Type- This filter allows you to include All Departments, Selected Departments combined, or Multiple Departments.
Sales/Returns- This allows you to see a Detailed breakdown or Summary of the sales and returns.
Taxes- This allows you to see a Detailed breakdown or Summary of the taxes.
Show Account #s- This filter has a Yes or No option.
Expand SubAccount- This filter has a Yes or No option.
Department- You can choose to include all departments, or specific departments in the report.
Statement of Cash Flows
This report displays net income and all adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash. The report is formatted to show the results by General Ledger account.
Recommended Filters:
Year- This is a required field.
From Period- This is a required field.
Thru Period- This is a required field.
Trial Balance
This report lists the ending balances of your general ledger accounts over a range of fiscal periods.
Recommended Filters:
Expand Account Information- This drop-down has a yes or no option.
Expand Sub-Account Information- This drop-down has a yes or no option.
Expand Department Information- This drop-down has a yes or no option.
GL Acct- With this filter you can select all general ledger accounts, or just specific accounts.
Inventory Control Reports
Inventory - Part List
This report shows a list of parts by multiple filters and criteria.
Recommended Filters:
Search Item # / Select Item #- These fields will allow you to see all parts, or a list of specific parts.
Inventory - Part Valuation
This report shows the value of the items in your inventory.
Recommended Filters:
Search Item # / Select Item #- These fields will allow you to see all parts, or a list of specific parts.
Inventory Movement
This report lists the movement of inventory across your transactions.
Recommended Filters:
Source Option- This filter is required and asks you to choose between all Pricebook parts or just Stocked Parts.
Quantity Option- This filter allows you to choose parts within a quantity range.
Value Option- This filter allows you to choose parts within a dollar value range.
Inventory Transactions
This report lists all inventory transactions posted within a specified date range.
Recommended Filters:
From Date / Thru Date- These fields will allow you to set a timeframe for the transactions.
Item #- If you would like to narrow the report to just show the transactions for specific items, you can specify the item in this drop-down.
Transaction Sources- This field allows you to see parts that are involved in specific transaction types, such as Transfers, Requisitions, Returns, and more.
Warehouse Stock List
This report shows the quantity of stocked items in each warehouse.
Recommended Filters:
Warehouse #- You can choose to see all of your inventory, or you can break it down by warehouse and/or truck.
Warehouse Stock Valuation
This report shows the total valuation of stocked items in each warehouse. This is a useful report if you assign value to your inventory in Successware.
Recommended Filters:
Warehouse #- You can choose to see all of your inventory, or you can break it down by warehouse and/or truck.
Job/Call Reports
This report shows a summary of all assignments over a period of time.
Recommended Filters:
Status- This filter includes options for Canceled, Closed, Finalized, Open, or All.
Lead Src Type / Lead Source- These filters can help you to determine how many assignments are generated from different lead sources.
Call Backs
This report shows the total number of call backs over a period of time, as well as sale and cost information related to those call backs.
Recommended Filters:
Call Back From Date / Call Back Thru Date- These fields will allow you to see call backs from a range of dates.
Employee Timecard
This report shows employee timecard entries over a period of time.
Recommended Filters:
Timecard Status / Pay Items- With this filter you can see specific status listings.
Employees / Subcontractor List- You can use this filter to narrow down the report to specific employees.
Happy Check
This report lists the date of the last Happy Check, and any notes that were made during the check.
Recommended Filters:
Happy Check- This is a required field that has options for Happy Check Complete or Need Happy Check.
Date Type- This filter allows you to view the dates by the Job End Date or Happy Check Date.
Job Lifecycle
This report reviews the jobs over a period of time to show information such as Average Ticket Size.
Recommended Filters:
Technician Name- You can view the report by all employees, or narrow down the report to specific employees.
Job Type- You can view all jobs, or just certain types of jobs with this filter.
Job Permits
This report lists jobs that require permits or have permits in any stage.
Recommended Filters:
Date Based Upon- This filter allows you to choose Date Issued, Expiration Date, Date Completed, or Job Scheduled Date.
Permit Type- This filter allows you to specify a particular type of permit, or all permits.
Permit Stages
Lists permits by current stage for any date range.
Recommended Filters:
Report Type- This is a required field that allows you to select Stages Due or All Stages.
Stage Type- This field will allow you to narrow the report down to specific stages.
Sales Call Sheet
Details the sales reports over a period of time, any notes that were made about the sales call, and the result of each call.
Recommended Filters:
Result- This field allows you to narrow the report down to all sales calls, those that are pending, those that sold, and those that did not conclude with a sale.
Work Orders Summary
This report shows all jobs that were scheduled over a period of time.
Recommended Filters:
Sales Calls- This field allows you to control whether sales calls are included in the report.
Report Type- This field has options for Scheduled Only, UnScheduled Only, Canceled Only, or Completed Only.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Reports
If you utilize Successware Mobile, you can track your employee's progress with several key performance indicators. To specify what you would like to track, navigate to the Main Menu, select Reporting, and click KPI Management.
From the KPI Management screen, you can track indicators for different types of employees in the KPI Configuration tab, and you can also track indicators for specific employees in the Employee KPI Configuration tab.
These reports do not utilize filters, so the section below will just list how each report can be used.
AR and Cash
This report gives a snapshot of how much is due from Accounts Receivable over 30 days, and in total.
Additional Company Information
This report reviews the agreements sold and the number of sales jobs that have been scheduled.
Additional Technician Information
Agreements sold on jobs, jobs that were callbacks, and warranty calls are all included in this report.
This report includes information on Sales Lead Jobs Scheduled and the Total Invoice Sales.
Daily Management Report
This report includes several snapshots with information on Opportunities, Agreements, and Sales Jobs.
Lead Phone Call
Lead Phone Calls, Lead Phone Calls that have been Booked, and Sales Lead Jobs that have been Cancelled are included in this report.
Opportunity By Tech
This report details tech credits earned by identifying opportunities on the job.
Opportunity Summary
This report details the number of jobs with tech credits, dollars per tech credit sold, and tech credit closing percentage.
Revenue Jobs by Tech
This report includes information on how many jobs have been completed, and the total value of those jobs.
Management Reports
Credit Scorecard
This report lists totals and averages of credits over two periods of time.
Recommended Filters:
Detail Grouping- This filter allows you to group the report by technician, job class, city, and more.
Period #1 / Period #2- These filters allow you to control the timeframe for the report. You can choose from several options like Month-to-Date, Current Year, Same Month Last Year, and more.
Job Cost Analysis
This report shows you the cost, sale, and margin information based upon posted, job-related transactions.
Recommended Filters:
Detail Level- This field will allow you to see the Job Summary, Item Details, or the Totals only. The Totals only option is useful if you want an overall breakdown of the Sales, Cost, and Margin over time.
Job Scorecard
This report compares job information across different groups, such as by technician, or across cities.
Recommended Filters:
Detail Grouping- This field will allow you to compare the same data for jobs across different groups. If you work in multiple cities or zones, it may be useful to compare them to see where your business generates most of its work. Or you can break the report down by technician to see who is creating the most billable hours.
Period #1 / Period #2- These fields allow you to compare the job data across different time periods. It may be useful to compare the current month so far against the same month from the year previous.
Job Summary Analysis
This report summarizes the amount earned from jobs over a period of time. The report also includes data on opportunities and agreements.
Recommended Filters:
Technician- This filter allows you to select specific technicians to include in the report.
Job Class- This filter allows you to control which job classes are included in the report.
Report Option- This filter has options for Include Completed (Not Closed) Jobs, Include Non Revenue Jobs, Include Project Job Phases, and Show Expanded Detail.
Management Comparison
This report reviews different periods of activity for amounts billed, amounts collected, gross sales, and more. In this report, "p.agreement" is the abbreviation for Perpetual Agreements, and "t.agreement" is the abbreviation for Fixed Term Agreements.
Recommended Filters-
First From Date / First Thru Date- These fields are required for the first range of comparisons.
Second From Date / Second Thru Date- These fields are required for the second range of comparisons.
Print Section- This filter allows you to display or hide sections of the report, such as Sales, Warranty, Jobs, Agreements, Sales, etc.
Project Estimate
This report shows a summary and detailed list of the hours, cost, and sales for each project.
Recommended Filters:
Project Number- This filter allows you to see all projects, or specific projects.
Phase Type- This filter allows you to see projects at all phases, or specific phases.
Sales Tracking Report
This report allows you to generate information about sales calls in a specified date range.
Recommended Filters:
Job Lead Source Type- This filter will allow you to see which marketing campaign is generating the most leads.
Sale Result- This filter can limit the results of the report to quotes that Sold, are Pending, or Did Not Sell.
Technician Productivity/Profitability
This report can tell you how much money each technician is pulling in each hour.
Recommended Filters:
Report level- We recommend selecting Invoice from the drop-down.
Report Format- We recommend selecting Productivity from the drop-down.
Suppress Empty Tech- We recommend selecting Yes because otherwise it will show technicians with no data.
Sort by- We recommend selecting Tech to better see a breakdown of how much each technician is bringing in each hour.
Time Slot Capacity
This report shows the available time slots, as well as how many scheduled appointments are available, and the maximum number of appointments for each time slot.
Recommended Filters:
Print All Time Slot Groups- With this filter you can select specific groups to see how many were available during the time period.
Time Slot Defaults
This report lists the available time slots, the maximum number of appointments allowed for each, and whether overbooking is allowed.
Recommended Filters:
Print All Time Slot Groups- With this filter you can select specific groups to see how many were available during the time period.
Time Slot Overbooked
This report lists any time slots which were overbooked.
Recommended Filters:
Print All Time Slot Groups- With this filter you can select specific groups to see how many were available during the time period.
Work in Progress
This is an invaluable report for companies utilizing the Project Management feature in Successware and could be run daily or weekly.
Recommended Filters:
Detail Level- The options include Phase, Group Subtotals, and Totals Only. We recommend selecting Phase so you can see where the project is at in the process. The Totals Only is a useful option if you want to see all project totals listed together.
Marketing Reports
This report lists the campaigns that have been added into Successware.
This report shows marketing opportunities that have been listed on customer accounts.
Recommended Filters:
Opportunity- This field will allow you to specify individual types of opportunities, or all opportunities.
Sales Person- With this field you can select individual sellers, or everyone.
Master List Reports
Billing Customer List
This report shows all billing accounts that have been added within a defined date range.
Recommended Filters:
Accounts with Multiple Location- If you select Yes, this filter will only display accounts with multiple locations.
Show Service Location Info- If you select Yes, this filter will show more details around the service locations for each billing account.
Employee List
This report shows a list of your employees.
Recommended Filters:
Personnel Type- This filter has options for Employees Only or Subcontractors Only.
Employee Type- You can narrow down the report to just certain types of employees, such as technicians or office staff.
Pay Type- You can narrow down the report to employees who are paid salary, hourly, or piece rate.
Detail Options- This includes the information that is captured in the Employee Management page under Setup.
Location History
This report lists the work history for each location within a selected date range.
Several filters offer you the option of using a percent sign (%) at the end of your query to include all results that have that string of letters in the search. For example, "Jo%" will return results for Jones, and Johnson.
Recommended Filters:
Print Option- This filter has options for Include Job Instructions, Include Work Done, and Include Work Suggested.
Service Location List
This report shows a list of service locations.
Several filters offer you the option of using a percent sign (%) at the end of your query to include all results that have that string of letters in the search. For example, "Jo%" will return results for Jones, and Johnson.
Recommended Filters:
Added From Date / Added Thru Date- You can use these filters to narrow down the results of the report to include only those from a certain timeframe.
Lead Source- This filter narrows the report down to service locations that were originally added through a particular lead source.
Current Agreement Status- The filter options include Active, Expired, Terminated, and Never Had an Agreement.
Other Report Filters- This filter includes options like, Never had a Warranty, No History, Owner Occupied, Priority, and Exclude Do Not Solicit.
Service Location List Job Ref
This report shows the jobs that were performed at service locations over a period of time.
Several filters offer you the option of using a percent sign (%) at the end of your query to include all results that have that string of letters in the search. For example, "Jo%" will return results for Jones, and Johnson.
Recommended Filters:
Added From Date / Added Thru Date- You can use these filters to narrow down the results of the report to include only those from a certain timeframe.
Period 1 From / Period 1 Thru / Period 2 From / Period 2 Thru- These filters allow you to compare the jobs that were performed at a location over different periods of time.
Period Options- The options for this filter include Serviced during period 1, Not serviced during period 1, Serviced during period 1 but not period 2, and Serviced during period 1 and 2.
Miscellaneous Reports
Phone Call Report
This report shows incoming telephone calls and includes lead source, reason, and taken by information.
Recommended Filters:
Sales- This filter has options for All, No Sales Calls, and Just Sales Calls.
Concerns- This filter has options for All, Resolved, and Not Resolved.
Expand Detail- This yes or no drop-down allows you to see all notes around the call, including concern resolution.
Payroll Reports
Deferred Wages
This report shows wages that were earned in one payroll period prior but have been or will be released in a future period.
Recommended Filters:
Period- This filter is required and asks you to specify the period in which the wages were earned.
Miscellaneous Wage
This report shows the income earned from jobs against miscellaneous wages paid to employees for the job.
Recommended Filters:
Pay Type- This filter can show hourly wages, piece rate wages, commissions, or all types of miscellaneous wages.
Payroll Period- This filter can narrow the report to a particular period.
Employee- You can view everyone's miscellaneous wages over a period, or you can narrow the report to a particular employee.
Payroll Period Summary
This report generates a summary of how employees were paid over a period of time.
Recommended Filters:
Period- This filter is required and asks you to specify the period in which the wages were earned.
Wage Source
This report displays wage information for selected employees over a selected payroll period.
Recommended Filters:
Select Period / Date Range- This will allow you to specify if the report should be drawn up by a payroll period, or a specific date range. This will make either the 'From Period' / 'To Period' filters required, or the 'From Date Range' / 'To Date Range' fields required.
Detail Options- For summary listings, select No Detail. To seem more granular results, select either Job location Detail, or Time Breakdown Detail.
Wage Summary Listing
This report lists all employee earnings within a specified date range.
Recommended Filters:
Employee Code- With this filter you can narrow down the report to a specific employee.
Employee Type- This filter allows you to see the results for particular types of employees, such as technicians or office workers.
Purchasing Reports
Pricebook Item List
This report generates a list of items that are in the Pricebook.
Recommended Filters:
Include Item Types- This field defaults to showing all types of Pricebook items, but you can narrow down the results to show Labor, Tasks, Overhead, Parts, and Miscellaneous items.
Purchase Order Item Status
This report displays either a summary or detailed list of items that have been ordered, received, and back ordered.
Recommended Filters:
Show Expended Details- This yes or no drop-down will allow you to see the results in greater detail.
Purchase Order Status
This report shows the status of purchase orders and the total amount of each order.
Recommended Filters:
Search Job #- This field allows you to search for a specific job.
Vendor's Invoice #- This field allows you to search for a specific invoice.
Purchase Order #- This field allows you to search for a specific purchase order.
PO Order Status- This field allows you to select Ordered, Closed, Canceled, Not Yet Ordered, or All.
PO Receipt Status- This field allows you to select Not received, Partially received, Fully received, or All.
Receipt-Invoice Integrity
This report looks for discrepancies by comparing Accounts Payable invoices to Purchase Orders.
Recommended Filters:
Vendor- This filter will allow you to narrow the report to specific vendors.