Platform - Customer Manager

  • Updated

The Customer Manager is a feature in Successware Platform that allows you to search for customers, create new customer accounts, and edit information about the customer.



Accessing the Customer Manager

To access the Customer Manager, navigate to the Main Menu, select Customer Service and click Customer Manager.





When you first land on the Customer Manager page, there are two main options.  You can search for a current customer, or you can create a new customer account.

If you search for a customer, you can use the drop-down to search by:

  • Name/Company Name
  • Address
  • (Phone) Number
  • Email
  • Billing Account Number


Select one of the search criteria, and type in your search.  Below the gray bar, you'll see the search results.  If your customer is among the list, click on them to see more about them.  If you don't see the customer, you can create their account by clicking on the "+ Create New Customer" button in the top right corner.



Create a New Customer

To create a new customer, fill out the required fields, which are marked by a red asterisk.


When you've added in the information about the customer, click the "Create Customer" button in the bottom right corner.  A green banner will let you know if the customer was successfully created.



Customer Information

If your search does pull up the customer, you can click on them in the list to bring up their information.


In the top right corner, you can see their Balance and Payment History, along with any upcoming jobs that have been scheduled for them.

Along the bottom of the screen are several tabs, including:

  • Profile
  • Jobs
  • Agreement
  • Invoices
  • Tickets
  • Equipment
  • Happy Check
  • Opportunities


Profile Tab

In the Profile tab, you'll find basic information on the customer.  This includes their name, phone number, email address, service location, and billing address.  You can make changes to these fields with the Edit buttons.


Jobs Tab

This tab will show you a list of previous jobs for this customer, and a "+ Create New Job" button which will take you to the Call Handling page to create a job.



Agreement Tab

This page will show a list of agreements for this customer, and a "+ Create New Customer Agreement" button which will open a new browser tab to show the Agreement Manager.

If the customer already has an agreement, there are several available options. By clicking on the ellipsis next to an agreement, you can view the agreement, renew the agreement, create a periodic invoice, terminate the agreement, and more.



If you click the plus sign on the left side of the page on an agreement row, you can expand that agreement to see the visits that have been completed or are not yet scheduled.  You can create the job, mark the visit as complete, or cancel the visit.



Invoices Tab

In the invoices tab, you can search for invoices that are connected to this customer.  You can also create a new invoice by clicking on the "+ Create New Counter Sale Invoice" button if this customer is purchasing something from your office.  This button will direct you to the Invoice Manager screen and allow you to fill out a Counter Sale invoice.


Tickets Tab

A ticket is any call that does not result in the creation of a job, but does require some sort of trackable follow up, such as a complaint.  Any tickets that have been created for this customer will be listed in the tickets tab.  You can also create a new ticket by clicking the "+ Create New Ticket" button, which will take you to the Call Handling screen.


Equipment Tab

The equipment tab will display a list of all known equipment at the customer's location.  You can add to the list by clicking the "+ Add New Equipment" button.  This will open a slide out screen that will allow you to add in the equipment information.



Happy Check Tab

The happy check tab will show any happy checks that have been performed.  Happy checks are follow up calls made to the customer.


Opportunities Tab

Opportunities are ideas for future work at the customer's location, rather than the reason a technician was called to the home.  If a tech has spotted anything that could lead to future work, they can be listed as opportunities. This tab will show any opportunities that have already been identified.



Looking for a more interactive course on the Customer Manager? Check out our Learning Management System (LMS)! Our courses are available to all Successware users. If you don't have a sign-in for our LMS, contact us at for a free account.

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