Platform - Recommended Reports

  • Updated

There are more than 80 reports available in Successware Platform, and familiarizing yourself with each of them can be a lot to review for those who are new to Successware.

To make our reporting options a little easier, we've created the article below to help suggest which reports might be helpful to run daily, weekly, and monthly. There are also some reports which may need to be reviewed when you close a period, which is often a monthly occurrence.


The reports below can be found by going to the Main Menu, selecting Reporting, and clicking on Report Gallery.




Daily Reports

These daily reports can help you keep track of how your business is doing at a glance.


Sales Analysis Report

This report is useful in narrowing down which kinds of targeted marketing are bringing in the most money.



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AR Invoice Reports

Recommended Filters:

Invoice From Date- If you select "Null", it will give you all sales from your beginning with Successware.

Invoice Types- This filter includes options for Job, Agreement, Project, and Counter Sale so you can see which are making the most money.

Items to Analyze- Several options are available, and will change what is displayed in the line items of the report. We recommend using Job Class to see which types of jobs are bringing in the most revenue.

Job Lead Source- This filter will help you determine which ways of marketing your business are making the most money.

Sales Person / PrimaryTechnician- These filters can help you see who is bringing in the most money.


Sales Invoices Report

This report is helpful for pulling in Profit Loss Margin (PLM) data.




Found in:

AR Invoice Reports

Recommended Filters:

Date Type- For this field, we recommend using Item date.

Invoice Types- This depends on what sort of sale you're interested in reviewing. The most common options for this field are either Job invoices or Project Invoices.

Job Type / Job Class / Department- These fields can help narrow down what sort of jobs are bringing in the most profit.

Detail Options- We recommend checking the box for, "Include Hours/PLM breakdown/Margin".


Sales Tracking Report

This report allows you to generate information about sales calls in a specified date range.



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Management Reports

Recommended Filters:

Job Lead Source Type- This filter will allow you to see which marketing campaign is generating the most leads.

Sale Result- This filter can limit the results of the report to quotes that Sold, are Pending, or Did Not Sell.


Job Scorecard

This report compares job information across different groups, such as by technician, or across cities.



Found in:

Management Reports

Recommended Filters:

Detail Grouping- This field will allow you to compare the same data for jobs across different groups. If you work in multiple cities or zones, it may be useful to compare them to see where your business generates most of its work. Or you can break the report down by technician to see who is creating the most billable hours.

Period #1 / Period #2- These fields allow you to compare the job data across different time periods. It may be useful to compare the current month so far against the same month from the year previous.



Weekly Reports

These reports can help you track larger cost and labor profitability trends.


Technician Productivity/Profitability

This report can tell you how much money each technician is pulling in each hour.



Found in:

Management Reports

Recommended Filters:

Report level- We recommend selecting Invoice from the drop-down.

Report Format- We recommend selecting Productivity from the drop-down.

Suppress Empty Tech- We recommend selecting Yes because otherwise it will show technicians with no data.

Sort by- We recommend selecting Tech to better see a breakdown of how much each technician is bringing in each hour.


Job Cost Analysis

This report shows you the cost, sale, and margin information based upon posted, job-related transactions.



Found in:

Management Reports

Recommended Filters:

Detail Level- This field will allow you to see the Job Summary, Item Details, or the Totals only.  The Totals only option is useful if you want an overall breakdown of the Sales, Cost, and Margin over time.


Work in Progress

This is an invaluable report for companies utilizing the Project Management feature in Successware and could be run daily or weekly.



Found in:

Management Reports

Recommended Filters:

Detail Level- The options include Phase, Group Subtotals, and Totals Only. We recommend selecting Phase so you can see where the project is at in the process. The Totals Only is a useful option if you want to see all project totals listed together.



Monthly Reports

These reports give you a higher elevation view of how your business is performing.


Warehouse Stock Valuation

This is a useful report if you assign value to your inventory in Successware.



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Inventory Control

Recommended Filters:

Warehouse #- You can choose to see all of your inventory, or you can break it down by warehouse and/or truck. 


Equipment List

This can tell you the age of equipment and is a good marketing resource.



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Recommended Filters:

Serial Number- If there is a recall, you can use part of the serial number.

Installed By Us- We recommend selecting All from the drop-down.

Service Options- We recommend selecting Serviced so you can see the ones that have been serviced.



Closing a Period Reports

These reports are often drawn up monthly to help in closing out a financial period.


Balance Sheet Financial Report

Once all data entry is complete and all transactions that affect the fiscal period have been posted, you can generate a Balance Sheet for the fiscal period. This report will generate a list of all Assets and Liabilities for a period.



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Financial Reports

Recommended Filters:

Year- This is a required field.

Period- This is a required field.


GL Transactions

This report should include any transactions that were posted to an account from an origin that should not affect your cash accounts. The most likely reason is a Journal Entry. After identifying the origin of the incorrect entry, you will correct the entry from the source in order to put the account in balance.



Found in:

Financial Reports

Recommended Filters:

Origin- If your balances do not match, the Origin field can help determine which General Ledger transaction caused the imbalance. 


Check Register

Print the Check Register report for uncleared transactions to reconcile to the General Ledger account.



Found in:

Financial Reports

Recommended Filters:

Account #- This is a required field where you will select a checking, savings, credit card, or undeposited funds account.

Item Cleared- We recommend selecting Not Cleared in this field. The uncleared items should match the account balance on the Balance Sheet.


AR Transactions

This report allows you to view all types of accounts receivable transactions or select specific types, such as payments, deposits, adjustments, finance charges and/or invoices.



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Accounts Receivable

Recommended Filters:

Summary Only- We recommend selecting Yes so you can compare the summary total against the Balance Sheet report.


Agreement Deferral Analysis

This report is useful if you are using Deferred Revenue for Maintenance Agreements. The Deferred Balance should match the Balance Sheet balance for the account.



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Recommended Filters:

Summary Only- We recommend selecting Yes so you can compare the summary total against the Balance Sheet report.


Agreement Reserve Analysis

This report is useful if you are using Agreement Reserve for Service Agreements. The Reserve Balance should match the Balance Sheet balance for the account.



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Recommended Filters:

Summary Only- We recommend selecting Yes so you can compare the summary total against the Balance Sheet report.


Equipment Warranty List

This report is useful if you are using Warranty Reserve for In-house Warranties. The Reserve Balance should match the Balance Sheet balance for the account.



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Recommended Filters:

Thru Date- Should match the end of the fiscal period.
From Date- This field should be set at one year previous to the end of the fiscal period.

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