Classic - Setup- Company

  • Updated

The Company Setup form allows you to add or edit company information. To access the Company Setup options, click the 21 button in the toolbar, select Setup, and click on Company.



The following tabs are available in Company Setup:

  • Address/Phone
  • Invoices/Statements/Account Register
  • Module Configuration
  • Financial
  • Other
  • Work Order Printing
  • Call Center (Dispatch)
  • Payment Processing




The Address/Phone information is required when setting up a new company.

If the Time Zone is left blank, it will default to the time zone set on your workstation.

The Country field will determine how Successware performs Zip Code searches during data entry.

The TaxID will print with the company information at the top of invoices and statements.



Invoices/Statements/Account Register


The Invoices/Statements/Account Register tab of Company Setup allows you to control the company information on invoices and statements as well as controls whether or not you will use Remittance Reports when generating vendor payments.

To change the options select the Edit button.



  • Track Invoices- Check this option to activate the Invoice Tracking tool. This will allow you to assign invoice numbers to technicians and then track when those invoices are used or not used by the tech.
  • Print Company Name- Check whether or not you want your company name to print at the top of your Accounts Receivable invoices. If you have pre-printed letterhead remove this checkmark.
  • Print Task Notes- Select to print the Task Notes associated with a task when the task appears as a line item on an invoice. This text printed is referenced from the Task Note field of the task in the PriceBook. This will only apply when using the Detailed or Summary Print option when printing the invoice.
  • Enter notes in the Invoice Note and Note 2 fields. These notes will appear above the payment stub on every printed Accounts Receivable invoice.
  • The Print Format options allow you to choose the default format for printed invoices. If you choose Detail you will be able to specify what type of detail you would like to appear on the printed invoice.
  • Default Print Option- This option allows you to identify which print option will be selected by default after you have posted an invoice.

Invoice and Renewal Notices

In some cases, notes, such as terms and conditions need to be printed on invoices to meet legal requirements. You can configure up to three separate notes along with titles that will appear on the printed or emailed invoice. Separate notes can also be set to appear on agreement notices. 



  • Check whether or not you want your company name to print at the top of your Accounts Receivable statements. If you have pre-printed letterhead do not check this box.
  • Enter notes in the Statement Note and Note 2 fields. These notes will appear above the payment stub on every printed Accounts Receivable statement.


The Quotes button will give you access to the Quote Print Settings window. This window will allow you to choose the default information that you would like to appear on printed sales quotes generated in Successware. These print options include the ability to add:

  • An opening or introductory paragraph to the quote
  • A closing paragraph
  • Acceptance text which will be accompanied by signature lines

Remit To Address

If you would like a different address than the company address to appear on the payment stub of Accounts Receivable invoices and statements, enter the address in this field.


Accept Credit Cards

If you accept credit cards for payments and want them listed as available methods of payment on Accounts Receivable invoices and statements, check this option and select the credit cards that your company accepts.


Accounts Register

Check the Use Remittance Reports box to have Successware generate a remittance report when the total items being paid with a payment to a vendor are too numerous to list on the check stub.


Print Company Logo for Reports

Your company logo can be included on printed and emailed documents such as AR Invoices, AR Statements, Purchase Orders and Agreement Renewal Notices. 



Module Configuration


The Module Configuration tab of Company Setup allows you to define options related to the counting and restocking of Inventory.


Inventory Options

The first option allows you to decide if you want to begin keeping track of the count of items in inventory through Successware and the date on which you want that counting to begin. 

The second option allows you to determine how you want Successware to interpret your Min/Max Quantities for restocking inventory when using Automatic Restock Transfers and the Purchasing Wizard. Determine whether you want Successware to restock when you reach the minimum quantity or when you fall below it.


Agreement Options

The option to Set Agreement Conversion Date allows you to set a date for converted agreements that is different than your AR activation date.





The activation dates are when you will begin posting transactions to the General Ledger. The General Ledger can be activated without activating the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules, however, if the other modules are not activated, you will have to use journal entries to update the General Ledger.

We recommend that Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable be activated at the same time as the General Ledger. This will update the General Ledger as A/R and A/P invoice payments are processed. This way journal entries will not be required.

  • If you are unsure of the date you wish to use for activation, leave those fields blank. You can enter data, including posting invoices and payments, to record history without posting to the General Ledger. Once there is a date in the activation field, you can only post items dated after the activation date.
  • Once you have decided on an activation date, make sure you do not enter data dated after that date until you have established the activation date in Successware. For instance, if you decide to make February 1st your activation date, but do not enter it as such in the activation fields, and then later add transactions for February 1st and 2nd, the system will not allow you to use February 1 as your activation date. It will assign the first date that there was no activity as the activation date, in this case February 3rd.
  • You do not have to enter beginning balances in order to have an activation date. If you wish to start posting live on February 1, but do not have ending balances for January yet, go ahead and enter February 1 as the activation date and start processing live. You can enter your General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable starting balances after starting live processing.


1. Establish activation dates by using the mouse or spacebar to mark the check boxes to the left of each module. This will activate the corresponding field and allow you to enter an activation date.

2. Enter your activation date and click Save.

Successware will change the period status on the first active period (and all following periods) from inactive to open, provided you have not opened the period already.





The Other tab of Company Setup includes options regarding the posting of the sales tax of tax-included tasks, the setup of overtime options and the creation of periodic billings for agreements.

  • Sales Tax- Check Post Flatrate "Tax Included" to Sales Tax Liability, in order to have Successware post the tax portion of tax-included tasks to the default Sales Tax General Ledger account as opposed to posting the entire price of the task to the account defined by the task's Sale Type.
  • Overtime Setup- Will give you access to the Overtime Setup options in Payroll Setup.
  • Show G/L in related Reference books- Check this option to display the General Ledger account number column when you view a drop-down (reference library table) which contains an association with the General Ledger.
  • Show G/L in Item No search (Purchasing/billing)- Check this option to display the Sales Type or Expense Type of an item along with the associated General Ledger account when performing an item search.
  • Location Documents Setup- Allows setup for storing customer images.
  • Purchase Order Note- Notes entered here will appear at the bottom of purchase orders.



Work Order Printing


The Work Order Printing tab of Company Setup allows you to control the information that displays on a preview or printed Work Order.

Place a check in front of the items that you want to appear on the previewed or printed Work Order.



Call Center (Dispatch)


This tab allows you to identify the criteria you wish to establish for Assignment Attention Alerts to be displayed in the Call Center.

Select Edit at the bottom of the form to enable and identify the time in minutes for each of the Progress Attention criteria.

Employee timecards in Successware can be configured to calibrate times in fixed increments of 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, or 15 minutes. Under the Timecard Calibration dropdown menu, select the interval in minutes that you want to use for recording timecard entries. Select ‘1’ if you want to keep time to the exact minute.

This tab also allows you to setup Successware to send appointment information directly to a GPS unit by clicking the GPS Setup button.



Payment Processing


Payment Processing is a Successware service allowing you to securely submit payment transactions via the Internet to a supported payment processor. A unique advantage of this service is that it relieves you from certain PCI security issues related to the storage of customer data. Once the service is enabled, credit card numbers will no longer be stored in Successware. Benefits of this service include:

  • Seamless integration for collection of credit card information via a secure web form
  • Authentication of the merchant
  • Managed and secure transmission via the gateway to payment companies for settlement
  • Secure storage of credit card information
  • Batch processing of periodic billings for service agreements

The first step in using payment processing in Successware is to sign up for an account with one of the supported payment processors. After signing up you will be given authentication credentials.


The Credit Card Removal Wizard will walk you through all of the steps necessary to remove all current credit card numbers from the payment reference fields.

These steps include:

  • Selecting your removal option
  • Checking your existing data to find credit card data that needs to be cleared
  • Disabling future entry of credit card numbers
  • Allowing you the option to export credit card data
  • Removing credit card data

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