The Technician Productivity and Profitability report allows you to track your technicians’ efficiency based upon a review of labor revenue generated and the time taken by technicians to complete jobs.
In order to properly run the Technician Productivity and Profitability report there are some things that must be done in Successware:
- Your invoices must contain a labor sale. This labor sale can come from the inclusion of an actual labor line item or tasks that include a labor sale. Generic tasks (GenServ, GenMaint, etc.) contain NO labor sale. The entire task is considered Miscellaneous Sale. Since the report is comparing labor sold to the time and cost of the labor, if you are not including labor sale on the invoices included in the report, the report will not give reliable results.
- Your technician’s timecard entries must be imported as cost on the invoice. If you are running the report “By Task”, timecard entries must be divided among the tasks on each invoice, or one task will hold all the labor cost, and the others will be seemingly “labor cost free”. If you are running the report “By Invoice” you do not need to divide your timecard entry, merely import them to any task on the invoice.
Note: If you want proper labor detail on the Sales Invoice Item report, you must divide the timecard entries. - Your technicians must either have an Hourly Rate or a Bill Cost value on the Wage Information tab of Employee Setup. The system will use the Hourly rate if you have activated Payroll or the Bill Cost if you have not. If neither of these is filled in, the employee’s timecard entries will be imported with zero as a total cost.
- In order to properly run the Profitability report, you must include costing information on the invoice not only for the labor, but for part and miscellaneous item usage as well.
The Technician Productivity and Profitability report can be found by going to the Main Menu, selecting Reporting, then Report Gallery.
This report is found in the Management Reports group.
Report Options
The following is a list of the fields that are available when running the Technician Productivity/Profitability report.
From Date / Thru Date |
Enter the date range of Jobs for which you want to run the report. This is based upon the date of the posted invoice associated with the job. |
Report Format | Select whether you want to report on the Productivity or the Profitability of the technicians. |
Report Level |
Select whether you want to run the report by invoice or individually by task performed. If the report is run by Task, only tasks to which timecard entries of the selected technician have been added as actual labor will be included. If Invoice is selected, all items listed on the invoice will be included for the calculation of total sales. |
Technician Type |
This field allows you to choose either employees or subcontractors. |
Technician | Use this dropdown to limit the report to only jobs that included the specified technician. |
Job # | Enter a Job Number to run the report only for the specified job. |
Labor Price by Hour |
Type in the Dollar amount that you charge per hour for labor. This is only used when the Productivity report format has been selected. |
Total Labor Hours in Period |
Type in the total number of hours worked by the technician(s) in the selected Date Range. This is only used when the Productivity report format has been selected. |
Suppress Empty Tech | When Yes is selected, Jobs that have no assignments will be excluded from the report. |
Print Summary | When Yes is selected, the report will only display a subtotal based upon the grouping option you have selected. |
Sorting and Grouping |
Use the Sorting and Grouping options to focus the displayed result of the report on a selected set of values. Useful grouping options for this report include Tech, Job# and Department. |
Technician Productivity
The Technician Productivity report allows you to evaluate jobs completed by the technician (either at an invoice or task level) by looking at hours worked and labor billed vs. labor expense. This information is used to return an amount per hour that your technician is earning for you in labor revenue.
The report also allows you to identify a Labor Price per Hour. This is the amount that you charge your customers for hour for labor. You will also identify Total Labor Hours for the Period. This is the total number of hours worked by the selected technician in the specified date range. The report will then show you what percentage of that total you bill per hour that your tech is earning for you in labor revenue per hour.
The technician’s Productivity is then determined by comparing the labor revenue generated in the period by the technician to the amount that you have identified as your hourly labor rate.
For Example:
- If you charge $120 per hour of labor in a 40-hour week you would generate $4,800 in labor revenue.
- Your employee had 40 total labor hours for the period and generated $1,230 in Labor revenue for the period.
- $1,230 is 24% of $4,800, so your technician’s productivity for the period is 24%.
Report Sections
Since the Report can be run either By Invoice or By Task, the data in the resulting report fields will either be a total for the for the whole invoice or the total as related to each task.
Column | Description |
Total Sale | This is the total of all sales on the invoice or the total sale amount of the selected task. |
Labor Rev | This is the total Labor sale on the invoice. It is based on the labor portion of the tasks on the invoice or individual labor line items. |
Total Hours | This is the total number of hours of labor that have been imported as cost onto the invoice or hours specifically associated with the task. This includes imported labor for ALL technicians associated with the job, not just the technician selected when you ran the report. |
Labor Per Hour | This is the dollar amount that you entered as your “Labor Price by the Hour” when you ran the report. |
The Job Hours section of the report looks specifically at the work performed by the selected technician.
Column | Description |
Job Hrs | This is the total number of the hours of timecard labor, which were imported as cost on the invoice or task for the selected technician. |
LRev Gen |
The system will determine, based upon timecard entries, what percentage of the job the selected technician completed. The technician will then be given credit for labor revenue using that same percentage. For example, if an employee is responsible for 75% of the labor hours associated with a job or task, they will be given credit for 75% of the labor revenue associated with the job or task. |
LRev Hrly | This is the labor revenue generated by the hour, by the selected technician, either for the invoice or for the task. This total is determined by dividing the LRev Gen amount by the Job Hrs. |
% Prod Job Hrs |
This field compares the LRev Hrly amount to the Labor Per Hour amount you entered when running the report. In the example the Labor per Hour amount was $120, the tech generated $76.89 per hour or 60.4% of the Labor per Hour amount. |
The All Hours section of the report concentrates on comparing the Labor Per Hour amount and the Total hours in the Period that you entered. The report will identify the total amount per hour for the period that your tech is generating in revenue.
Column | Description |
All Hrs |
This is the Total Labor Hours in Period that you entered when running the report. In this example 40 hours was the employee’s total hours for the period as shown on the Timecard report for the same period. |
LRev Hrly | This field divides the total Revenue generated by the employee by the Total Labor Hours in the date range that you identified. |
% Prod All Hrs | This field compares the Total Revenue generated per hour by your tech to the Labor Per Hour amount that you entered when running the report and identifies what percentage of that Labor Per Hour is being generated by the tech. |
Technician Profitability
The Technician Profitability report allows you to compare (either at a task or invoice level) the amount being billed vs. the amount that it costs to do the work. This allows the report to show how much the tech is bringing in total revenue per hour as well as how much per hour the technician is generating in profit.
The report will show you profitability information by Invoice or Task and at the end of the report will display total profitability information for the selected grouping option in the defined date range.
In order to get accurate information on the Technician Profitability report you must Job Cost your invoices. This includes listing the Part and Miscellaneous items used on the Job as well as importing the employee timecard entries associated with the Job. If this information is not included in the costing screens of the Invoice the level of Profitability will be reported as an amount much higher than it actually is.
Report Sections
Since the Report can be run either By Invoice or By Task, the data in the resulting report fields will either be a total for the for the whole invoice or the total as related to each task.
Column | Description |
Total Sale | This is the total of all sales on the invoice or the total sale amount of the selected task. |
Total Hours |
This is the total number of hours of labor that have been imported as cost onto the invoice or the specific task. This includes imported labor for ALL technicians associated with the job, not just the technician selected when you ran the report. |
$ Per Hour | This is total sale per hour based upon dividing total sale by total hours. |
Cost | This is a total of all cost information related to the job or task. This includes all imported labor, parts and miscellaneous items. |
Profit | This field represents Total Sale minus Cost. |
Tech | Identifies the technician for whom you are running the report or the tech who performed the job. |
Hrs | This is the total number of the hours of timecard labor, which were imported as cost on the invoice or task that were performed by the selected technician. |
% of Job | Identifies the percentage of the job or task that was performed by the selected technician by comparing the tech’s hours to the total hours on the job. |
Tech Sale | This field multiplies the tech’s % of Job by the total sale to show the portion of the sale for which the tech is responsible. |
Tech Profit | The Tech Profit subtracts the tech’s portion of the cost (% of Job x Cost) from the Tech Sale. |
Tech Profit per Hr | This field divides the tech’s total invoiced labor for the period by the Tech’s Profit to return a Profit per Hour that your tech is generating for you while on the job. |