Classic - Getting Started

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Successware Log In

Each time that you open Successware you will be required to log in to the software. Each individual Successware user should have their own unique Username and Password.


  1. Double-click on the Successware icon. 
  2. Use the Company drop down to choose the company that you are logging into. 
  3. Enter your assigned Username and Password.

Note: If this is your first time logging in as a user and are using the password that was given to you by the administrator, you will be required once you log in to change your password.

  1. Click OK or press Enter to log in.

Logging into the Tutorial

If you want to log into a tutorial company where you can practice or train in Successware without effecting your live data, be sure to select the Tutorial checkbox before you log in.

To log into the tutorial mode, be sure to select the Tutorial Mode checkbox.

If you are logging in to the default "Success Incorporated" company, you can use p as both the Username and Password. (This is case-sensitive, so be sure to use lower case for both.)


Changing Your Password

Based upon the password conditions set up within your company, you may be required to change your password after a set number of days. You will also be required to change your password after your initial login to Successware.

Additionally, you may choose to change your password at any time that you wish.

To change your password

  1. Double click on the Successware Icon and enter your username and current password.
  2. Click the Change My Password link (If you click Change My Password without entering your current Username and Password you will have to enter both on the following screen).
  3. In the Change Password screen enter your new password in the New Password field and then type it again in the Confirm New Password Be sure that your new password conforms to the password rules that are identified at the top of the window.
  4. Click OK.



Once you install Successware, you must activate the application. The activation allows Successware to assure that you are a current customer as well as turn on/off features and options within the application which may be proprietary based on trade group affiliation. The activation can be performed from any workstation. Additionally, Successware will need to be re-activated every 90 days. You will be notified by the application beginning 15 days before the expiration of your activation.

Activations can in most cases be performed online with no need for you to call the SuccessWare office.


Initial Activation

Once you log on to Successware for the first time you will be asked to activate the software. If you have already been issued a Customer ID by SuccessWare, enter it in the appropriate field along with your Zip Code in the following field. Be sure that Activate of the Internet is selected and then click OK.


If you do not have/know your Customer ID, select Call for Activation and select OK. An activation screen will appear. 


Call Successware, as per the contact information provided in the activation window and a Successware representative will guide you through the activation process.

Activations are available by calling Successware at (888)251-2779, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm Eastern Time.



Reactivation can be performed by selecting Activation from Utilities in the Setup section of the Main Menu. Reactivating Successware can be performed from any workstation on the network.

During reactivation you will only be asked to enter a zip code to ensure accurate matching of account records. The Customer ID is pre-filled and can not be modified.


Quick Start

After you've activated Successware, upon initial log on you will be taken into Successware’s Quick Start.  Each button in Quick Start has a corresponding set of tabs that will allow you to establish specific setup information. Notice that the title on the top of the main screen has the same name as the button to the right with the plus sign in front of it.  These will always match because the button with the plus sign is linked to the section being modified.

Quick Start is a "hand-holding" walk-through to setting up the major areas of Successware. Quick Start can be opened by opening the Main Menu, choosing Setup and clicking the Quick Start option.



Before you begin to use Successware, you must complete the General Setup portion of Quick Start. The General Setup screen consists of four tabs.  They are:

  • First Time,
  • Welcome,
  • Company, and
  • Password/Users.

Clicking Next will take you in sequence through the tasks to be accomplished regarding these categories.

As you complete a section, you will be given the choice of marking a section as complete. Sections marked as complete will have a checkmark placed in their respective tabs, as can be seen in the example above.  Having these sections marked will not prevent you from being able to modify the information later.  This feature exists merely as a means to help you keep track of what areas you've already setup and what areas remain to be defined.


Company Setup

The Company Setup screen allows you to enter all pertinent Company related address, phone number and other information. This information is then used to determine your company name when you log in to Successware as well as the company information that prints at the top of Invoices, Statements, Purchase Order and other printed forms. Additionally, the Company Setup form allows you to identify your time zone (for ASP customers) as well as whether you are a United States or Canadian company for the purpose of Zip Code/Postal Code searches.

The Company Setup screen is available to you in the General Setup tab of Quick Start as well as by going to the Company option in the Setup portion of the Main Menu.

  1. When you first enter the Company Setup screen, click Start to begin the process of inputting your company’s data.  The following screen will appear.
  2. Enter the appropriate data and click Save. The information will be used on  printed invoices and statements.


Note: If the TimeZone field is left blank the system will use the time on your workstation.

  1. When the next screen appears click Close to continue.


Legal Name Setup

If there is a separate legal or corporate name from the name of your company, it can be entered on the Legal Name Setup screen. The information entered on this screen can be used when printing on blank check stock and will appear when printing 1099 forms from Successware.



Zip Code Searches

The Zip Code and Cities tables in the Reference Library allow you to auto-populate a number of other fields when adding Service Locations, Billing Accounts or Vendors. When performing data entry if you enter a zip code or city that is included in the Zip Code or Cities reference table, the State, Zone, State and Tax Code fields will be filled. Successware performs its Zip code searches differently depending upon whether you have set the Country field in Company Setup to United States or Canada.

If you have chosen United States, the zip code search will be based upon the first five digits that you enter into the Zip Code field. For example if you were to type "14068-1215", Successware would look up "14068" in the Zip Code Reference table and if it finds a match will populate the other fields.

If you have chosen Canada, the zip code search will be based upon the first three characters in the Zip Code field. For example, if you were to type "M5V 1J2", Successware would look up "M5V" in the Zip Code Reference table and if it finds a match it will populate the other fields. When setting up the Zip Code reference table in Canada, you only need to add each 3-digit postal code, not the three characters that follow it.


Password Criteria

You have the ability in Successware to control the level of password strength that you apply to the passwords associated with your users. Once passwords are created, they are encrypted in the Successware database and can not be viewed by any users. If a password is forgotten by a user, it must be reset by a user with the appropriate level of permission in the User Setup form.

The strength of passwords is set in the Setup Options in the Main Menu.

The Setup Options are accessed by opening the Main Menu, selecting the Setup button and choosing the General button in the right column.

It can also be accessed in the Password/Users tab of the General Setup section of Quick Start.


Choose from the following options to establish the strength that you wish require for passwords created in Successware. If a user attempts to create a password that does not conform to the password rules, the password will fail to be created and the user will be informed that it does not meet the established criteria.


Form Field


Min Username Length

Allows you to indicate the minimum number of character required in a user's Username. This can range from 1-10 characters as minimum.

Min Password Length

Allows you to indicate the minimum number of character required in a user's Password. This can range from 1-10 characters as minimum.

Force Password Change Every...

Allows you to force users to change their password every 30, 60, 90 or 120 days. This can be left blank and no password change will be required.

Letter Required

Requires the user to include at least one letter in their password

Upper and Lower Case Required

Requires the user to use a combination of upper and lower case letters in their password

Digit Required

Requires the user to include at least one number in their password

Special Character Required

Requires the user to include characters OTHER than letters and numbers in their password. For example, #, %, *

Prevent Reuse of Passwords

This will remember up to 12 passwords and prevent user from using a previous password.

Enable Account Lockout

Using this will lock a user out of the system after a specified number of invalid logon attempts. Using the Auto-release option will enable the user to reopen SuccessWare without having their password reset.


User Groups

User Groups in Successware are used to assign permissions to the different users within a company who use the software. Since different user will be performing different tasks and should be allowed to access different data and functionality, Successware requires users to be assigned to a User Group which controls their access to the system.

When Users are created you will assign the user to a User Group.  Multiple users can be assigned to the same User Group. In order to add or take away permission from all of the members of a particular User Group, you merely need to edit the User Group and the change will be inherited by all members of the group.

The User Group Screen is accessed from the General Setup option in Quick Start, or by accessing the Main Menu, choosing the Setup option and selecting User Manager. Right click in the background and select User Groups.

You may also access the User Group form by opening a user and click the Group button on the User form.


  1. Click on the drop-down arrow at the top of the screen for a listing of all User Groups (as shown).

Successware comes with only one User Group established called ADMIN.  This User Group has permissions to every function in Successware.  You will want to create additional User Groups so that users will only have access to those features that are necessary for them to do their jobs.

  1. Click New to create a new User Group.  You will be asked if you want to use the existing User Group as the basis for your new group.
  • Selecting Yes will duplicate the permissions that the originating User Group has, thus allowing you to develop a new User Group by using the permissions established in the selected User Group as your starting point.
  • Selecting No will start you off with a User Group that has no permissions, thus allowing you to develop a new User Group from scratch.
  1. Click on a tab and select those features you want your new User Group to be able to use by placing a checkmark in the box preceding the function title.  Do this for all tabs.

Clicking on the box will either cause a checkmark to appear in an unchecked box or cause a checkmark to disappear from a checked box.

  1. Click Save when you have finished assigning Successware permissions.  You will be prompted to name your new User Group.  Type in a name and click OK.



If you wish to make changes to an existing User Group, click Edit, located at the bottom of the User Groups screen, and proceed the same as when establishing a new User Group.  When finished, click Close.

Other functions that can be accessed from this screen are as follows:

  • Members- clicking on this button will provide a listing of all users assigned to the selected User Group.
  • Delete- clicking on this button will delete the selected User Group.  Be aware that Successware will not allow you to delete a User Group while there are still users assigned to it.  All User Group members must either be assigned to other User Groups or be deleted from Successware before you can delete a User Group.


User Setup

Each person who logs into and uses Successware must have a User Name and Password. User Names and Passwords allow you to restrict access to the software. Each User is assigned to a User Group (or Permission set) which allows you to further restrict the areas of Successware that a user can access.

The User Setup can be accessed by choosing the General Setup option in Quick Start or by accessing the Main Menu, selecting Setup, choosing the User Manager button

This screen allows you to create users and assign them to a group.  Every user MUST have a unique login. To create users, click New and fill in the requested data, as shown.  When finished, click Save.


To Create a New User

  1. Click New or press Insert to add a new user.
  2. Enter a UserName
  3. Enter the Full Name of the user. This will appear in the Call Taking Scripts.
  4. Enter any applicable comments in the Comments field
  5. Choose the User Group to which you want to assign the user


  1. Click Save
  2. You will be notified that you must reset the User's password before they can log in. Click OK to acknowledge message.GS13.jpg
  3. Click the Reset Password link in the lower left corner of the User form.
  4. Click Yes to confirm the generation of a new password for the current user.
  5. Click Ok again to confirm the creation of the password

The new password will be generated and displayed. Be sure to make note of the password that has been generated and give that password to the user. They will use that password to log in and will be required to change their password at that time.


  1. Click OK to close the form.


Navigating in the User Form

In the bottom left corner of the screen there is a series of arrows.  These help you to navigate through the user records.



In addition, the following buttons are available at the bottom of the screen.

  • Groups- allow you to directly access the User Group permissions set up.
  • New- creates a new user.
  • Delete- deletes the selected user from the system.
  • Edit- edits the data for an existing user.
  • Close- closes the Users screen and returns you to the Successware setup function.

Once you've finished adding users, you may exit Quick Start by clicking Exit.


User Manager

The User Manager allows you to access and manage your Successware users from one simple screen.

To Access the User Manager:

  1. Click on the 21 button to open the Main Menu
  2. Click on Setup in the left column
  3. Click User Manager in the right column

The default view in the User Manager is to display only active users. Click the Active Indicator on the upper right hand corner to turn on and off the inclusion of inactive users.


  1. Right click in the background of the User Manager to add new users, edit existing users and print a list of users.


Toolbars and Menus

Main Menu

Access the Main Menu for Successware from the 21 icon on the Toolbar .

The Main Menu is used to:

  • Navigate to the various Modules, Setup Components and Utilities in Successware
  • Give you access to the What's New documents.
  • Identify the current version of Successware that you are running.
  • Give you access to SuccessWare related web sites.


To access the Modules, Setup Components and Utilities in Successware select one of the plus sign buttons to open the Menu Options for that selection. Click on your selection from that list.

To access What's New, click the "What's New" link in the lower left corner of the Main Menu.



The Toolbar provides quick access to the Successware forms, and at the right end of the toolbar, displays Company and username information. GS19.jpg


Pointing to any of the buttons on the toolbar will cause Successware to display a tooltip that will identify the form that will be opened by selecting the button.

The toolbar can be customized for:

  • Which buttons appear on the toolbar
  • The size of the toolbar buttons
  • Whether or not to display the Successware background.

You can access the customization options by right clicking on the toolbar and selecting the desired option.



Customizing the Toolbar

Customizing the toolbar allows you to control which buttons display on the Toolbar when you log into Successware. The toolbar buttons you select are saved at your workstation, they are not associated with your Successware user ID. If you are a customer on the SuccessWareASP, your toolbar settings are saved based upon your Citrix login.

To Customize the Toolbar:

  1. Right click on the Toolbar and select Customize.
  2. In the left column select the major area of the application for which you want to add a button.
  3. In the right column, select the buttons you want to add.
  4. Click OK to save the changes and add the buttons to the Toolbar.

Successware Backdrop

The blue SW21 backdrop image can be turned on or off by right clicking on the toolbar at the top of the window. In addition to giving you a cleaner workspace, the backdrop will display whether or not you are logged into the tutorial mode.


It will also indicate if you have open customers and if so, how many.


Turing the Backdrop On/Off

  • Right click anywhere on the Successware toolbar and select Backdrop to turn the backdrop on.
  • Selecting backdrop from the menu again will turn off the backdrop.



Open Customers

Successware limits the number of customers that can be open at the same time on a workstation to four. Once you have reached your third open customer you will be warned that you can only open one more and after a fourth customer is opened you will be prevented from opening another customer until one of those that is currently open is closed. The limit on open customers per workstation is intended to prevent a user from leaving multiple customers open, therefore preventing other users from accessing any of those customer records.

A customer is "left open" when the Customer's Information screen is not closed using the Esc key on the keyboard or the X in the upper right corner. When another customer or screen is opened the still open customer is "pushed" into the background becoming no longer visible, but is still open.

When there are open customers you will be notified in two way:

  • If your backdrop is turned on you will see text in the upper left corner that indicates you have open customers and how many.                                            GS26.jpg
  • The second button on the toolbar, (a yellow circle with a black C) will illuminate. When clicked it will display the list of open customers. Selecting the name of a customer will reopen their Customer Information Screen.


To close an open customer, reopen their record and press Esc on the keyboard or click the X in the upper right corner of their record.


Workstation Preferences

Use the Setup>Workstation menu option in the Main Menu to set your screen color preferences.  You can define color preferences for:

  • Lookup Grids
  • Notes
  • Scripts
  • Active Fields
  • Inactive Fields
  • Call Center



To Change Color Preferences:

  1. Double-click the item you want to change (or highlight the item and press Enter).  This opens the Color Selection
  2. Double-click the new color (or highlight the color and press Enter).  The new color appears in the preview box of the selected item.
  3. Select OK (or press Ctrl+Enter) to save your changes.

To return to the default color configuration, press Ctrl+D.



The Reminders form helps you to organize tasks and messages locally or with other users on the network. Select the GS29.jpg  icon on the Main Toolbar to open the Reminders form.


Reminders Buttons


New (ins)

Select to create a new reminder


Edit the highlighted item

Prior Week

View the week prior to the current week


View the week of reminders that contains the current date.

Next Week

View the week after the current week

Show All

View a list of all reminders


Saves a currently edited reminder


Will undo changes made to a reminder


Closes the Reminders window


Select to view or print the Reminders report


To Add a New Reminder

  1. Press Insert or click the New button
  2. In the CurDate field, enter the date on which you want to see the reminder
  3. Tab to the Description field and enter a short description of the reminder. More extensive notes can be entered in the Notes area to the right of the reminder grid.
  4. Tab to the #Days field to identify the number of consecutive days you want the reminder to appear.
  5. Place an X in the Pvt field to mark the item as private. Only the user who entered the reminder will see the reminder. Reminders not marked as private will be seen by all users on the network.
  6. To enter notes, click in the Notes column
  7. Click Save to save the note.

Note: You can right click on any reminder and select Make Recurring to make a recurring reminder, select Calendar to display a calendar and select Delete to remove the reminder.


Common Navigation

Call Taking


Pressing F12 will display the Call Taking screen.



Customer Search


Simultaneously pressing CTRL and F12 will display the Customer search screen.



New Entries


Pressing Insert will allow you to input new data or create new entries into the various Successware screens.

For example, once the Call Taking form is accessed, pressing Insert will configure the screen so that users can begin inputting data pertaining to new requests for service, as is shown in this example.  This is only one of many ways that using Insert allows users to input data by creating new entries.



Saving and/or Editing Entries


When working in a form, such as the Location Form or Billing Account Form, or in a drop down list the you wish to edit, simultaneously pressing CTRL and Enter will toggle you between Save and Edit mode.


Common Key Strokes


Pressing Esc will close whatever screen you are working on, as well as cancel any changes you may have been making.


Whenever you are working in a screen, clicking the right mouse button will often display a Control Menu.  These will provide you with further options regarding that entry and/or function.


When performing line item entry (such as inserting a line item on an invoice or a PO or making an entry in a reference table), the Enter key will toggle you between Save and Edit.


If you wish to enter the current date into a date field or current system time into a time field you can simply type a "/" character and then Tab out of the field or press Enter


Function Keys

There are a series of function keys that can be used to open specific screens in Successware. These keystrokes are available to you throughout Successware, allowing you a common method to access information regardless of where you are in the application.







Location Detail


Billing/Vendor Account Detail


Billing/Vendor Account History


Location History






Marketing & Recommendations


Job/Purchase Order (must have specific job selected)


Invoice (must have specific job selected)




Call Taking


Customer Search



Searching for Items

Searching for Items

Item searching is performed from numerous forms in Successware that require the selection of items from the PriceBook. These forms include but are not limited to, invoices, requisitions and purchase orders. The item search function consists of a drop-down search form from the Item Number field in any row which you are selecting an item from the PriceBook.

Unlike the other drop-down menus, the item search function doesn't automatically display items–you must enter search criteria before result will display.

There are 2 methods of searching for items throughout Successware:

  • "Begins With" Search- A begins with search will search only for items that begin with the characters you type. For example typing "1/4" in the Description field would only return items that have a description that begins with "1/4"
  • "Contains" Search- This is also known as a "wildcard" search. By beginning your search with a percent sign (%) followed by some other characters, Successware will search for items that CONTAIN the string of characters you have entered. For example "%Duct" as a search in the Description field would return any items that contain the word "duct" anywhere in their description

Using the Item Search Form

  1. While in the form to which you are adding a line item, press Insert to add a new line item.
  2. While in the Item Number or the COde field (the name of the field is dependent upon the form you are in), press the down arrow to open the Search Form.
  3. The first thing you will do when using the item search function is determine what column you want to search by.  The default is the ItemNumberNotice that in the following example the ItemNumber column is white.


  1. If you would like to search by another column, such as Description, Tab to the desired column and proceed as normal. YOU MUST Tab to the field. Clicking with the mouse on the field will give inconsistent results.
  2. Enter the first few characters of the item you are searching for, or to perform a Contains search, type a percent sign (%) followed by the portion of text you are looking for.  Do NOT press Tab, Enter, or any other key.  The system will automatically search as you type
  • If you press Tab, Successware will move to the next column and search by that column.
  • If you press Enter, Successware will select the first item that is displayed.

Either way, you will not get the desired results.

  1. After the system displays the items that match your search criteria, move to the desired item and press Enter to select it.  If the item you are searching for is not displayed, search again using a different search criteria.



Quick Add

The majority of items stored in drop-down lists are created in the Reference Library.  These will be developed when you set up Successware.

Sometimes it is necessary to change the data contained in Reference Library tables.  Successware allows you to either add more entries to a table or edit an existing entry.  Either can be accomplished from the screen where you are using the drop-down list associated with that table.


Adding Table Entries

  1. Once you’ve selected a particular table, and have determined that an additional entry is warranted, you can do so by simultaneously pressing CTRL and Enter.  This will cause the entire table to appear.


  1. Once the entire table is displayed, press Insert to add a blank line to the table.


  1. Enter the data you wish to add to the table in the blank line
  2. Press Enter and the new data will be included in the table.


Note: After an entry has been added to a table, in order for other users to see the change immediately, it may be necessary for them to right click in the table and select Refresh.


Editing Table Entries

Sometimes it’s necessary to modify existing table entries.  The process to edit table entries is as follows.

  1. Access the table that you need to modify
  2. Press Ctrl+Enter to place the table in Edit Mode. You can also right click in the table and choose Modify Mode
  3. Highlight the line that you want to edit and press Enter (You can also right click and select Edit) to place the line in Edit mode. You can now make any necessary changes


  1. Press Enter to save the line item once you have made your changes. If you do not press Enter to save the line before you exit the table your editing change will be lost. You can use the Esc key to exit a line without saving the changes.
  2. When finished, click on the “X” found in the uppermost right corner of the table to close it and return to the application.


Employee Setup

Before Payroll can be activated and used, in addition to normal employee setup (Employee Code, name, scheduling information, etc.) employee payroll setup must be completed. Required employee payroll setup is completed in the Employee Setup form and includes:

  • Pay Type
  • Pay Period
  • Hourly Rate or Annual Salary
  • Average Check
  • Automatic Overtime

The specific setup available for an employee depends upon the Pay Type that is chosen for the employee.

To access the Employee Setup form select the 21 Icon to access the Main Menu and click Setup and then Employee Manager.


To Add an Employee

  1. Press Insert, or click New.  The system automatically generates the Employee Code, but you may overwrite it.  The Employee Code will appear in the Call Center.  For employees that will appear in the Call Center, make sure to enter the name, initials, or number that you wish to use as the Employee Code.  Another field is available for employee number.

Note: Once an employee is saved, the Employee Code can no longer be changed!

  1. Enter the employee’s name (first and last) and select the Employee Type.  The system will mark the appropriate check boxes; Sales person, Technician, and Maintain Assignments based on the type selected.  Make sure that Maintain Assignments is marked for all employees that you wish to schedule in the Call Center.  If this is checked, timecard entries will automatically create assignments.
  2. Automatic Overtime- If ‘automatic overtime’ is checked, overtime automatically calculated based on overtime setup will be included in the employee’s total overtime for a period.  If ‘automatic overtime’ is not checked, only manual overtime will be included in the employee’s total overtime.  In either case, during automatic calculation, both weekly and daily overtime will be calculated and available for reference.  (This ‘automatic overtime’ setting can be overridden for an individual overtime period in the employee’s timecard.)
  3. Enter the employee’s Job Title in the appropriate field.
  4. Select Active to indicate that this employee is presently employed and actively working.
  5. Move through each of the tabs (Scheduling, Address/Phone, etc.), and enter the appropriate information.
  6. Click Save.



The Employee Setup Form

The Employee Setup form contains a number of tabs of information pertaining to the specific employee.

The Scheduling Tab


The Scheduling Tab will make different fields available to you depending upon whether the selected employee is marked as a Technician or Sales person or not.

The following fields are only available for Technicians or Salespersons.  When assigning jobs, the system will refer to these fields to indicate which technicians are qualified to perform the job and will display the wrench, screwdriver and wand icons where appropriate.



Work Schedule

Use the mouse or spacebar to check the days of the week the employee normally works.  Then enter the employee’s normal start and stop times.

The Work Schedule must be set up for ALL employees if you are using payroll (Even Salaried employees). Successware will post salaried employee’s wages to the G/L based upon their work schedule.


Use this field to enter any comments or notes about the employee or his/her schedule.  This information is displayed as a pop-up hint when placing your cursor over the employee’s title panel in the Call Center.

Default Dept

Enter the department in which the employee normally works.  This department will be used for timecard entries that have no department assigned (i.e. NTCs or Non Job related entries such as lunch or meeting time.).

Vehicle ID

If the employee has been assigned a company vehicle, enter the vehicle’s ID here.

Qualifications and Skills

This button will allow you access to the Qualifications and Skills window, which allows you to identify the Job Classes, Job Types and Skills performed by a technician. These qualifications will be referenced when a call is assigned to the tech. If the tech does not have the appropriate qualifications and skills to perform the call, a warning will be displayed. Additionally, icons will appear with the employee in the Call Center to identify qualifications.


Wage Information Tab


On the Wage Information tab you will define information related to Payroll for the selected employee.




Pay Type

Select whether the employee is Hourly, Salary or is paid by Piece rate. ONLY set up employees as hourly if you want their earnings based on timecard entries. If pay is based upon billed hours your will use Piece Rate and enter their hours through the Miscellaneous Wage Manager.

Pay Period

Select how often the employee is paid.  Only the pay periods you have defined in payroll setup will be available.

# Exemptions

Enter the number of exemptions that the employee is claiming. This field is for your information only and not used by the payroll module.

Hourly Rate

For hourly employees, enter the employee’s hourly pay rate.  Then enter the number of hours the employee normally works in the pay period in the Avg Hrs/Period field.  The system will calculate the Annual Salary and Avg Check.

Annual Salary

For salaried employees, enter the employee’s annual salary.  Then enter the number of hours the employee normally works in the pay period in the Avg Hrs/Period field.  The system will calculate the Hourly Rate and Avg Check.

Avg Hrs/Period

Enter the number of hours the employee normally works in the pay period.

Avg Check

For piece rate employees, enter the gross amount of the employee’s normal check.  For hourly and salaried employees, this field will calculate automatically.

Pay Rates

Click on the Pay Rates button to optionally set up varying rates for different types of work, or for pay items. This is ONLY for hourly employees.

Bill Rate

The amount you bill for this employee.  If Payroll is not active, the system will use this as the bill rate for cost plus invoicing.

Bill Cost

The cost per hour for this employee.  If Payroll is not active, the system will use this as the hourly labor cost when importing timecard entries on an invoice.

Next Review, Last Review and Last Raise

Enter the appropriate dates.

Last Hourly Rate or Last Salary

The employee’s pay rate as of the last change.

Hire Hourly Rate or Last Salary

The employee’s starting pay rate.


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