Classic - Account Register

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Account Register Functions

The Account Register is used to manage your cash type accounts. 

Register Accounts are used to track checkbook transactions as well as cash boxes.  Cash boxes are used for such things as petty cash and as a holding area for undeposited cash receipts.

When adding Register Accounts you will mark one “Bank Account” type account as the default checking account, and one “Cash Box” type account as the default cash box.

The Account Register is used to:

  • Record deposits,
  • Write checks,
  • Enter adjustments,
  • Transfer funds,
  • Void checks, and
  • Reconcile accounts.


Account Register Views

The Account Register has 2 different views.

They are:

  • Transaction review—this feature is used to record and manage transactions.
  • Account reconciliationthis feature is used to reconcile and balance accounts.

Transaction Review

In the Transaction review you will use the different drop-down menus to:

  • Select an Account
  • Select an Activity
  • Select a Period
  1. Use the mouse to click on the down-arrow next to Select an Account. Select the account in which you wish to work from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the down-arrow next to Select an Activity to select whether you wish to work in the Transaction review or Account reconciliation.


You have several options when you select the drop-down menu at Select a Period.  The default view is Current period.  The system considers the current period to be everything that has been entered since, or was outstanding as of the last reconciliation.

You can select to view a date range or a previous reconciliation.


NOTE: If you have never reconciled the account you will also have an option to select Opening balance mode.  That is where you will enter the starting transactions for each account. If your accounts have opening balances, they must be entered before you make entries in the account.



Setting up Register Accounts

To use the Account Register, you must first set up register accounts.  Register accounts are set up in the Reference library.

There are 3 types of register accounts.  They are:

  • Bank accounts -- a bank account is any account for which you receive a statement from the financial institution.
  • Cash boxes -- a cash box can be different types of accounts such as petty cash or a cash drawer.  Most importantly, you will set up a cash box type account as a holding area for un-deposited cash receipts.
  • Credit cards- Credit Card accounts can be used to pay vendors as well as record credit card purchases. They can be paid and reconciled from the Account Register.


When setting up register accounts be sure to do the following:

  • Mark the correct bank account as the default checking account,
  • Mark the correct cash box account as the default receipt account (cash receipts are posted to a cash box until reconciled for deposit), and
  • Select the correct General Ledger account number for the account you are creating.

Creating a Cash Box Account

Cash Box accounts represent cash that you keep on site at your place of business. These may be a cash register, a bank bag in which you place payments received from customers that need to be taken to the bank or a petty cash drawer.

When you create Cash Box accounts in Successware, one of your accounts must be marked as the Default Receipt account. Payments from customers recorded in the system will automatically be placed in this cash box account where they can be reconciled and deposited into a bank account.


To Create a Cash Box Account

  1. Select the 21 Main Menuimg74.jpg , select Setup and click the Reference Library
  2. Choose the Accounting Volume
  3. Double click on Register Accounts. 

Note: You could also open the Account Register and click on the Select an Account button.

  1. Press Ctrl+Enter to edit accounts. 
  2. Press the Insert button.
  3. Enter a Register Account Number. You can enter a number for the Cash Box account or use a descriptive code such as "BANKBAG."
  4. Tab to the Description field and enter a description of the account such as "Cash Register" or "Undeposited Funds."
  5. Choose the Cash Box option in the Account Type portion of the window.
  6. Choose the General Ledger Account that you wish to associate with this Cash Box account.
  7. Choose a SubAccount if necessary.
  8. If this is the account you want to use to hold customer payments, select the Default Receipt Account
  9. If you want this to be the default account used for payments received from over-the-counter sales, select the Default Counter Sale Account
  10. If you are using Counter Sales, choose the default Sale Department for those Counter Sales.
  11. If you are using Counter Sales and maintaining Inventory, select the Warehouse from which you would like to requisition items sold over the counter.
  12. Choose the Tax Code to be used when processing Counter Sales.
  13. Click Save to save the account.


Creating a Bank Account

Bank Accounts that you set up in the Account Register represent any cash accounts to which you make deposits and withdrawals and receive a statement, usually monthly. Bank Accounts can be set up to represent checking accounts, savings accounts and even credit card accounts.

  1. Select the 21 Main Menuimg76.jpg , select Setup and click the Reference Library
  2. Choose the Accounting Volume
  3. Double click on Register Accounts. 

Note: You could also open the Account Register and click on the Select an Account button.

  1. Press Ctrl+Enter to edit accounts. 
  2. Press the Insert button.
  3. Enter a Register Account Number. You can use your actual bank account number. This will print on reconciliation and deposit reports.
  4. Tab to the Description field and enter a description of the account such as "CitiBank Checking Account" or "Wells Fargo Savings Account"
  5. Choose the Bank option in the Account Type portion of the window if it is not already selected.
  6. Choose the General Ledger Account that you wish to associate with this Bank account.
  7. Choose a SubAccount if necessary.
  8. If this is the account you want to use as the default when writing checks, select the Default Checking Account
  9. If you are using the Payroll Module of Successware and this is the account from which you process your payroll payments select the Default Payroll Account
  10. If you will be printing checks on blank check stock, enter all information to be printed on the check, such as Bank Account No, Routing Transit Number, City/State Code along with Bank Name and Address
  11. Click Save to save the account.


Credit Card Register Accounts

Successware has a feature that allows the creation and use of register accounts designed specifically for tracking transactions on a credit card account or line of credit.  This type of register account must have a liability account assigned to it, rather than an asset (cash) account.  

When you create AP invoices for purchases that were made with your credit card, you will record the credit card payment on the Invoice.

The credit card register can be used for tracking payments to both vendors and miscellaneous payees, and the register reconciliation process allows quick and easy reconciliation of your credit card statements.

Note that the Cash balance reported in the SnapShot form will not include credit card balances.


Creating a Credit Card Account

Register Account Setup has an option for Credit Card accounts.  When a new account is set up as a Credit Card account, the associated general ledger account must be selected from the Current Liabilities section of the balance sheet.  Cash Boxes and Bank Accounts require a cash G/L account.

Note: Before you begin, go to G/L Setup and make sure you have and appropriate G/L account set up for the register. The account must be in the Current Liabilities  section of the Chart of Accounts. It is recommended that you use an account in the Payables section of the balance sheet. DO NOT use the default Accounts Payable account as this will cause problems reconciling G/L to the AP Aging report

To set up a new credit card register account:

  1. Open the Account Register
  2. Choose Select an Account to get a list of your current registers.
  3. Press CTRL+Enter to modify register accounts (or right click, and select Modify Mode).
  4. Enter a Register Acct# and Description.
  5. Select the Credit Card Account Type option.
  6. Select the G/L Account you have created to represent the Credit Card account.


You will probably use an adjustment to set up the accounts initial balance. If you are currently using a bank account to track your credit card purchases, you should have been making adjustments that maintain a zero balance in the account. If you have not been making these adjustments and therefore maintain a credit balance on the account, you can use a transfer to move the balance from that register account instead. If you are currently using a bank account to track credit card purchases, a good time to switch over to the new credit card account would be immediately after reconciling your next credit card statement.

If you are discontinuing use of a bank account in favor of a new credit card account, you will want to be sure to deactivate the old account after transferring its balance to the new credit card account.


Entering Account Register Opening Balances and Outstanding Items

When you create accounts in the Account Register they are all created with zero balances and no outstanding transactions. Even if you have activated your General Ledger and entered opening balances for your cash accounts, the Account Register accounts you created do not "inherit" these balances from the General Ledger. The Account Register Accounts must have opening balance entries made in them. Additionally you will need to add any outstanding items that have not yet been reconciled on the account. This will allow the displayed balances that you see on you register accounts to match the actual General Ledger balance of the account.

Note: Opening Balance Entries must be made before your first reconciliation of each Register Account.


When you enter your Register Account beginning balances you will need:

For Bank Accounts –  If you are activating General Ledger, you will use the last statement prior to the activation date.  You will need the last statement balance and a list of all outstanding items (payments, deposits, and other items).

For Cash Box Accounts – You will need the balance as of the start date.  If you are activating General Ledger, you will use the balance you entered as the general ledger account’s starting balance.  For the Undeposited Receipts cash box, you will need a list of all receipts that have not been deposited as of the activation date.

To Enter Outstanding Balances for Register Accounts:

  1. Open the Account Register by select Accounting>Account Register from the Main Menu or clicking the Account Register button img79.jpg from the toolbar.
  2. Use the Select an Account menu to select the account you want to adjust.
  3. Use the Select a Period menu and select Opening Balance Mode.  The display should change to Current Period (OPENBALMODE).
  4. Enter opening balance information following the instructions for each type of account.
  • For Bank Accounts:
    • Select Adjust (Alt+3) to enter the last statements ending balance.
    • Select Payment (Alt+2) to enter each outstanding check or other withdrawal.
    • Select Deposit (Alt+1) to enter each outstanding deposit.


  • For Cash Boxes:
    • Select Adjust (Alt+3) to enter the starting balance, if any.


Note: When you have entered all outstanding items, the Current Balance listed at the bottom of the Account Register window must match the opening General Ledger balance that you entered for the account.

  1. When all outstanding items have been entered, select the Select a Period menu and choose Opening Balance Mode to toggle off the option.


If the General Ledger is NOT activated:

  1. Select the Account you want to adjust.
  2. Use the Deposit, Payment, Adjust and Transfer buttons at the bottom of the form to enter the opening balance transactions.


Register Account Permissions

Access permissions to the Account Register is based upon account type. There are separate user ability settings for each type of account – cash box accounts, bank accounts, credit card accounts – which allow a user to access and/or reconcile the accounts, plus there is a special ability that allows or disallows access to the account that is marked as the default payroll bank account.  Additionally, you have the ability to control, via a permission, which users have the ability to access Register Account setup.

With this flexibility, a particular user could be allowed to reconcile the default receipt cash box for deposit, but could be prevented from seeing bank account and/or payroll account information.

The modification of permissions related to accessing and reconciling particular types of Account Register accounts is accessed on the Accounting tab of the User Groups window.

Allowing or disallowing access to Register Account Setup is granted by selecting the Register Account Setup option on the Setup tab of User Groups window.                              img83.jpg




Maintaining Accounts

Reconciling a Cash Box

You will reconcile the cash box account used for un-deposited receipts regularly.  The reconciliation will be used to create and record deposits.  To reconcile a register account, select the account and change to the Account Reconciliation view in the Account Register.

To reconcile a cash box account:

  1. Count the money and run a tape on the checks and other items in the cash box.  You will need amounts for Total cash, Total checks, and Total other items (i.e. credit cards).
  2. Enter the totals in the appropriate fields located in the top left portion of the reconciliation screen.



  1. Mark the cleared items on the right side of the screen.  Use the right-click menu or the appropriate keystrokes to mark the items.





Clear or unclear the selected transaction


Clear all items


Unclear all items


You can use the filters to list only certain types of transactions.  For instance, if you are clearing checks, select the Checks filter to display only checks.

When the difference is $.00, select the pointing hand button located at the bottom of the form to continue.

If you wish to leave cash in the cash box (for instance, if you are reconciling petty cash) enter the amount in the Cash to leave in account field and click Finish.  When reconciling the undeposited receipts, select Finish.

The reconciled items will then be available for deposit.


Account Register Icons

There are a number of icons that will appear in the Transaction Review view of the Account Register. Some will only appear after the account has been reconciled and some only after a deposit.






The item that follows is an addition to the account.


The item that follows is a subtraction from the account


The item that follows is an adjustment to the account


The item that follows has been marked cleared during reconciliation.


The item that follows has been deposited. (Cash Box Account only)


This icon appears in front of the line item representing the actual deposit. (Cash Box Account only)


The icon appears in front of cleared cash items as well as cash consolidation transactions: The total amount of cash cleared and the amount to be left in cash box. (Cash Box Account only)


Entering a Deposit

You must reconcile the cash box account that you are using for un-deposited receipts prior to recording a deposit.  Reconciling the cash box creates the deposit transaction and works as your daily cash sheet to verify that transactions were posted correctly.

To enter a deposit:

  1. Select the appropriate account in the Account Register.



  1. Click the Deposit button, or press Alt+1.

The system will display the Bank deposit form, which will include all cash box reconciliations that have not been deposited.

  1. Enter, or select, the Date of the deposit.
  2. Use the mouse or spacebar to mark the reconciliations that you wish to deposit.
  3. The top of the form will list Total cash, Total checks, and Total other Use the mouse or spacebar to mark the type of transactions you wish to deposit.  You can use this feature to separate funds into different accounts (i.e. you wish to deposit cash and checks in one account, and credit card entries into another).
  4. Verify that the Total deposit (amount) in that selection box matches the amount you actually deposited (or will deposit) and click Post.  That amount should match the deposit as reported when you receive your bank statement.


NOTE:  If you need to adjust the deposit amount to record credit card fees or other such transactions, right-click in the Cash box column and select Other Adj prior to posting the deposit.


Printing a Deposit Report

After you have deposited funds into an account, you will be asked whether or not to print a Deposit Report. Clicking yes will generate an itemized document that lists all checks, cash, credit card and other items that have been included in the deposit. A deposit summary can also be created at any time from the transaction review of an account.


  1. Open the account to which you have made a deposit.
  2. Be sure that you are in Transaction Review.
  3. Right click on the deposit for which you want to create a report.
  4. Select Preview Deposit. This will open the Deposit Summary.
  5. Select the Printer icon to print the report.



Reconciling a Bank Account

You will reconcile bank accounts when you receive the statement from your financial institution.

To reconcile a bank account:

  1. Enter the statement date and ending statement balance in the appropriate fields in the top left section of the Account Register.
  2. Enter adjustments for any service charges or other items that appear on the statement.


  1. Mark the items that appear on the statement as cleared. Use the right-click menu or the appropriate keystrokes to mark the items.





Clear or unclear the selected transaction


Clear all items


Unclear all atems


You can use the filters to list only certain types of transactions.  For instance, if you are clearing checks, select the Checks filter to display only checks.

  1. When the difference is $.00, click Finish.  The system will ask if you wish to print the reconciliation report.
  2. Print the check register report for uncleared transactions to reconcile to the General Ledger account.


Making Payments Using Your Credit Card Account

Credit card register accounts can be used when making either vendor or miscellaneous payments.

Credit card payments can be applied from the Payables manager using the Payment or Pay Bills options as you would with most outstanding vendor balances, but more likely you will apply the credit card payment at the time of posting the AP invoice.

You can also process miscellaneous payments from the Account Register that will be applied against the Credit Card account.

To Pay an AP Invoice Using a Credit Card Account

  1. Complete the Account Payable invoice as you normally would
  2. After adding all items to the invoice, select the Apply Payments button at the bottom of the invoice (or press the letter P on the keyboard).
  3. Select the Credit Card account you wish to charge from the Register Acct drop down list. This will automatically select the Credit Card option in the Pay By row of the Payment
  4. Tab to the Amount field to automatically fill in the amount of the payment based upon the total of the Invoice.
  5. Enter a reference in the Reference (You may choose to enter the credit authorization number or the transaction date.)img97.jpg
  6. Select Save Changes
  7. Post the AP Invoice

The Invoice will be marked as paid in full and the Credit Card account will display the transaction in the Account Register.

To Make a Miscellaneous Payment Using a Credit Card Account

  1. Open the Account Register
  2. Use the Select an Account drop down list to select the Credit Card from which you want to make a miscellaneous payment.
  3. Click the Payment button at the bottom of the Account Register (or press Alt+2)
  4. Tab to the Description field of the Make Payment form and type a description of the transaction. This will display in the transaction view of the credit card account.
  5. Complete the Pay To, Reference, Date and Amount fields of the Make Payment
  6. Choose and adjustment code (or codes) for the payment.
  7. Post the Payment

The Credit Card account will display the transaction in the Account Register.


Making Payments to Your Credit Card Account or Another Register Account

Payments can be made to your credit card account through the payment option in the Account Register screen. There is no need to create an AP invoice for the Credit Card bill. When making payments to a credit card account you can make the payment as a check or a direct debit payment to the credit card. Additionally, you can make a payment to a credit card from another credit card account.

This same form can be used to record a transfer of funds between to Register accounts.

Note: Credit cards accounts can also have payments applied to them through the Payables Manager, by selecting the Pay Bills button and choosing Credit Card.

Note: If you are making an electronic funds transfer to pay a Credit card account, use the Transfer form.

To Make a Payment to your Credit Card Account:

  1. From the Select an Account drop down list in the Account Register, open the account from which you are making the payment. This will typically be your bank checking account but you can also choose another credit card account if you wish.
  2. Select Register Acct (or press Alt+3) for the type of payment being made.  When this selection is made a To Reg # option is displayed that allows you to choose the register account to which you want to apply the payment.
  3. In the To Reg # drop down select the register account to which you are applying a payment. The balance on the account will be displayed next to the account name.
  4. Enter the payment information including the payment date as well as the amount. Additionally you will want to add a description of the transaction in the Description This will display with the payment in the Register Account.
  5. Print the check and post the payment as normal.  An entry is made showing the payment to the credit card account, in addition to the entry decreasing your bank account (or increasing the balance on another credit card account if you are paying one credit card with another).

Credit Card Account Reconciliation

The reconciliation of your Credit Card account will follow the same procedures as reconciling a bank account. You will reconcile the account using the statement that you receive from your Credit Card company and clear it against listed transactions in the Credit Card account.

To reconcile a Credit Card account:

  1. Enter the statement date and ending statement balance in the appropriate fields in the top left section of the Account Register.
  2. NOTE: The Statement Ending Balance for a Credit Card Account MUST BE entered as a negative value.
  3. Enter the Statement Due Date and the Minimum Amount Due in the appropriate fields. These fields will be used when paying the credit card account through Accounts Payables.
  4. Enter adjustments for any service charges, interest or other items that appear on the statement.
  5. Mark the items that appear on the statement as cleared. Use the right-click menu or the appropriate keystrokes to mark the items.




Clear or unclear the selected transaction


Clear all items


Unclear all items


  1. Click Finish when you are done.




Click Payment in the Account Register to print and/or record:

  • Miscellaneous payments, and/or
  • Vendor payments.
  • Credit Card or Payments to another register account.

Miscellaneous Payments

Use Miscellaneous to record payments that are not associated with Accounts Payable.  Since miscellaneous payments will not affect Accounts Payable you will be required to select a distribution code or General Ledger account number before posting.

  1. From the account register, select the account from which you want to make the payment.
  2. Select the Payment
  3. Be sure that Miscellaneous is selected.
  4. Fill in the available fields in the check.
    • Description -- check memo
    • Pay to -- enter the name and use Ctrl+A to add an address
    • Check # -- will default, but can be overridden
    • Date -- will default, can be overridden
    • Amount -- enter the amount of the check


  1. Press Insert to add an adjustment code.
  2. Use the Adjust code column to allocate the check to the General Ledger.
  3. To select a General Ledger account number, rather than an adjustment code, select the code Misc.  Then you will select the appropriate account from the drop-down list.
  4. Select Print to print the check, or select Post if you will hand write the check.


Vendor Payments

To process single vendor payments:

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the vendor.
  2. Enter or accept the check #.
  3. Enter or accept the date.
  4. Select the invoices to be paid in order to calculate the check amount.



The Make payment screen can also be accessed from the Payables Manager and the Vendor Account History form.



You will enter adjustments to cash accounts through the Account Register.  Adjustments will be used for such items as bank fees, credit card fees and interest earned.

When entering adjustments you will use adjustment codes to determine where the transaction will post in the General Ledger.

To enter an adjustment:

  1. Select the appropriate account in the Account Register.
  2. Click Adjust, or press Alt+3.


  1. Complete the fields.
    • Enter the date you wish to post the transaction to the General Ledger.
    • Select whether the adjustment should increase or decrease the account’s balance.
    • Enter the amount of the adjustment.
    • If you wish to assign a reference ID to the item, enter the ID you wish to use.
    • Use the drop-down menu to select the Adjust code you wish to use for the transaction. The system will automatically credit or debit the appropriate cash account. The adjust code will determine what account number the system will offset that with.
    • Enter or select the appropriate department for the transaction.
    • Enter any comments you may have regarding the transaction.
  1. When all information has been entered, click Post.




Use the transfer option to record funds transferred from one account to another.  Recording transfers in the Account Register will update both register accounts as well as make the correct General Ledger entries. The Transfer form can also be used to record electronic funds transfers to a credit card account.

If you want to transfer money from one account to another using a check, you can use the Payment form through the Account Register.

To record a funds transfer:

  1. Select one of the affected accounts in the Account Register.
  2. Click Transfer, or press Alt+4.
  3. Complete the fields:
    • Enter the account from which you wish to withdraw funds, or select the account from the drop-down list.
    • Enter the account you wish to move the funds to, or select the account from the drop-down list.
    • Enter or select the date you wish the transfer to post to the account register and general ledger.
    • Enter the amount you are transferring.
    • If you wish to assign a reference ID to the item, enter the ID you wish to use.


  1. When all information has been entered, click Post.



Voiding Transactions

There are two void features in the Account Register.

They are:

  • Void Selected Transaction—to void one transaction, and
  • Void Check Number(s)—to void a check number or range of check numbers.


Void Selected Transaction

Use the Void Selected Transaction feature to negate items entered in error.

To void a transaction, highlight the transaction and click the Void button located at the bottom of the form, or right-click and select Void selected transaction.  Then confirm the action.

  • You cannot void a transaction that is in a reconciled period or a closed fiscal period.
  • Payments that were entered using the Apply Pmts feature on an accounts payable invoice must be voided by reversing the invoice in Accounts Payable.
  • When you void a deposit, the reconciled bank deposit is available for re-deposit.


Void Check Number(s)

Use the Void Check Number(s) feature to void a specific check number so that it cannot be used, or to void a range of numbers.

To void check number(s):

  1. Select the appropriate account in the Account Register.
  2. Right-click and select Void check number(s).
  3. Select Void checks and enter the range you wish to void.



  1. Select to Process all check numbers in range to void every check number in the range.  If you wish to skip any checks that were used in the range, select Skip used check numbers in range.
  2. Click OK.

You can also use the Void check number(s) feature to un-void check numbers that were previously voided.  Actual checks that were voided cannot be un-voided.

When you select the Unvoid checks option, you will select whether you wish to accomplish one of the following:

  • Only un-void if all numbers in range can be un-voided, or
  • Skip any numbers that cannot be un-voided.



Register and Item Review

Item and Transaction Review

Successware offers you the ability to review any item in the account register from the point of view of information about the line item itself, as well as a review of where the item posted to the General Ledger.

Register Item Review

You may view Register Item detail or change the Memo entry for a Register Item in the Register Item Review form, which is accessed through the Account Register form.  Access the Register Item Review form by selecting the item in the Account Register item list and pressing Enter (or right-clicking and selecting Register Item Review).           img105.jpg

You can also change the check number of a check by right clicking on the Reference Field and selecting Edit Check Number.

G/L Transaction Review

The Transaction Review form allows you to view and print the Debit and Credit activity, which has been posted to the General Ledger for the currently selected transaction. To review the General Ledger Transactions for an item, right click on the item and select Review GL.



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