Successware Track is a premium feature that allows you to give your employees a simplified version of Successware Mobile. This simplified version has reduced functionality with the benefit that the price is reduced and the app is simplified. This feature is best for employees that do not need full access to Successware Mobile functionality such as:
- Apprentices and helper technicians.
- Office staff that only need to update timecards.
Here are the features that are available in Successware Track:
- Ability to update timecards.
- Ability to depart to a job, arrive onsite, and depart from a job.
- Geolocation.
- Uploading Media to Dropbox.
- Sending a 10-8 and updating expected duration.
- Viewing the customer record.
Here is a high-level list of features that are not enabled with Successware Track:
- Editing the customer record (equipment, location information, etc.).
- Invoicing and collecting payments.
- Updating notes and job summary.
- Options.
- Forms.
- Scoreboard.
- Creating jobs.
- Viewing schedule.
Set up for Successware Track
To use Successware Track, you will need to speak to a Successware representative to enable the ability to see the Mobile with Track add-on. Once you can see the add-on in the Successware Add-on Manager, you will need to disable the original Successware Mobile and enable the Successware Mobile Add-ons.
Disabling Successware Mobile
You will need to disable Successware Mobile temporarily to transition to Successware Mobile with Track. During this brief time, Successware Mobile will be unavailable, but the process is very short and will be re-enabled very quickly.
1. Open the Add-Manager by clicking on the Add-on button.
2. You will be taken to My Add-ons. Find the Successware Mobile Add-on, and click the properties link.
3. If you are a LAN customer, Click Agent Password/SWAPI connectivity.
- If you are cloud hosted, you can ignore these next few steps and proceed to step 6.
4. You will need to copy your SWAPI URL from this screen.
- If you cannot select it, then you are cloud hosted and you can skip to step 6.
- You do not need to copy the Agent Password.
5. Click on the Back button.
6. Click on Disable Mobile.
7. You will see a prompt asking if you want to continue. Click Yes.
This will temporarily interrupt Successware Mobile Access, but it will be very short and will be resolved when you enable Successware Mobile with Track.
Enabling Successware Mobile with Track
Once the Successware Mobile is disabled, you can enable the Successware Mobile with Track Add-on. You cannot enable this add-on while the Successware Mobile add-on is enabled.
1. On the Add-on Manager, click on Browse More Add-Ons.
2. Navigate to the Successware Mobile with Track add-on and select the Add button.
3. Click the Next button.
4. Click the Confirm Account option.
5. You will see a prompt that your account has been confirmed.
6. On the SWAPI Connect screen:
- If you are a LAN user and the SWAPI URL is not filled in, copy your SWAPI URL.
If you are on cloud hosted system, you do not need to fill out the SWAPI URL.
- Enter an Agent Password if needed. It is recommended to click the Generate Password link from the bottom of the field. You do not need to remember the password.
7. Click on Verify SWAPI Connectivity.
This will show a prompt that the connection was successful.
8. Click the Next button.
9. On the custom settings page, click Create Remote User Groups.
You will see a prompt telling you that the appropriate user groups have been made.
10. You can choose to assign the users to the RemoteTech set of user groups by clicking Assign Users to Remote groups.
11. Click Next when you are ready. Your technicians will be able to access Successware Mobile and Successware Track at this point.
Successware Track User Management
Successware Mobile Track users will need to be setup with a Successware Username and Employee code that match as any Successware Mobile would need. This user needs to have the user group RemoteTechTrack and/or the “Track only User” permission.
New Permissions
Successware Mobile Track uses the “Track only User” permission found under the “Other/Misc – 4” permissions tab.
1. Track only User
- This permission will force any user using this user group and uses Successware Mobile to use the Successware Track even if they have other permissions enabled.
Changed Permissions
If you are using Successware Mobile with Track, you will need to make sure that the user groups that allow you to log into Successware Mobile have the following permission:
1. mlite
- This permission allows your technicians to login to Successware Mobile with Trac. If they do not have this permission, they cannot login to the mobile app.
Permission Groups
When you add the Successware Mobile with Track Add-on, you will be asked to add the User groups, and the RemoteTechTrack user group will be created.
1. RemoteTechTrack – only allowed to use Successware Track. Their default permissions are:
- Track only User
- mlite
Scheduling and Dispatching
You can add jobs to your “Track only Users” and they can dispatch themselves to the jobs and update their call progress. Keep in mind that they cannot update notes, fill out invoices, collect payment, or many other activities. Therefore, it is important that only assistants, helpers, apprentices, or other technicians have this checked. We strongly discourage making your primary technician a “Track only User”.
Technician Use
Successware Track functions the same way that Successware Mobile does except for the limited functionality as mentioned before.
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