Platform Release Notes

  • Updated

Release Date: July 24, 2024 - R3.16


Account Register

  • On the Make Payment screen, the “Vendor No.” and “Pay To” drop-down fields are now searchable. The user can start typing in those fields to narrow down the results.
  • When generating the Account Register Transaction Review Report, it will now sort the columns in the report in the same way they are sorted on the main Account Register screen. 


Agreement Manager

  • To better show whether the Add Tax box has been selected for an agreement, a column will now show on the main Agreement Manager grid that will indicate if taxes have been applied. The Tax column will also show when adding or renewing an agreement to an invoice, and when an agreement visit has been added to an invoice. 
  • Mobile users can now add agreements from the Mobile app, which can then be edited or posted from Platform. 
  • When it’s time to renew Agreements, you can now build the renewals with or without invoices. 


Business Setup

  • Users without the “View Hourly Rates” and “View Premiums” roles will not be able to view hourly rates anywhere within Successware Platform. 
  • If the Vendor Change Approval process is utilized, and a Vendor has a change that is still pending approval, this will prevent users from reopening, closing, or creating unordered purchase orders. A notification will appear to let the user know that there are pending changes for that Vendor. 
  • If the Vendor Change Approval process is utilized, any change to the Vendor will prompt 'Vendor Details Change Pending Approval' notification in the Purchasing Manager, Payables, Account Register and Inventory screens. 
  • We’ve added a Purchase Orders Note field in Setup. To access it, navigate to the Main Menu, hover over Setup, and select Other. The Purchase Order will now include any text written into the Purchase Order Notes field at the bottom of the Purchase Order. 
  • If the Vendor Change Approval process is utilized, any pending Vendor Detail changes can be reviewed before being rejected or approved by a second user. 
  • A notification message will be displayed when enabling or disabling the Vendor Change Approval option. 
  • We’ve added an additional column to the Payables Manager screen indicating which vendor has a pending change approval.
  • We’ve added a filter to show Vendors with a pending change that needs approval. 
  • We’ve added the new User Role, “Enable Vendor Change Approval” to specify who is allowed to approve vendor changes if the Vendor Change Approval Process is utilized.


Call Handling

  • The scheduling window will now close automatically once the job is scheduled. 
  • The drop-downs have been updated to allow for easier scrolling through the options. 
  • The Call Back feature has been updated to not only show Closed jobs, but also any job where at least one Assignment has been completed. 
  • Billing Account Notes can now be seen under the Billing Accounts section of the customer profile.
  • In both Call Handling and the Customer Manager, users can now search for customers by a secondary phone number. 
  • Jobs can now be scheduled for a past date. A warning will appear if the user attempts to schedule a job in the past. 
  • For jobs that are listed as Post Pending in the Contact History section of Call Handling, you can now open that job and be taken right to the main Call Handling screen by clicking on the View Record button. Once on the main Call Handling screen, you can update any of the fields and schedule a job, abort the call, or save it as Post Pending. 
  • When creating a sales call, we’ve updated the drop-down to default to replacement, rather than new equipment. 
  • In both Call Handling and Customer Manager, when a new location is created, the Tax Code field will be visible. It will default to the tax code for the location’s zip code. Users are able to override the tax code selection with another tax code from the reference library. 
  • When creating or editing a job, we’ve added in fields for Equipment, Equipment Age, Hours, Sales Person, Warranty, Agreement, Contact #, Claim, Contract and Cust PO. 


Communication Manager

  • A 65k character limit has been set on messages being sent from the Comm Center. 
  • If an employee has a separate pager email address, it can now be utilized in the Comm Center. Admins will need to specify the employee’s pager email in the new, “Pager Email” field which has been added to Employee Setup screen in the Address/Phone tab. If employees don’t have a separate pager email address, the Comm Center will send the email to their default email address. 


Customer Manager

  • When creating a customer, users will see the new drop-down fields for Tax Code, and Zone. There is also a new checkbox for Tax Exempt.


Dispatch Board

  • The Unscheduled drawer has been updated to stay open after a job has been dragged and dropped onto the schedule. The now scheduled job will simply be removed from the list, and any applied filters will be retained.
  • Users can now see the vendor names for the purchase orders assigned to a job in the Job Details screen.
  • The duration of the job has been added to the Assignment section of the Job Details screen.
  • The option to add a purchase order has been disabled for Sales Jobs in both the Job Details screen and from the Purchase Order button at the bottom of the Dispatch screen.
  • In the Timecard Manager screen, if you add a comment for the Avail (Off) status, it will now show on the Dispatch Board.
  • We’ve improved the readability of job cards in job drawer by changing the background and zone colors.
  • In the Unassigned drawer, we’ve added a new “Include past Assignments” checkbox. It will be unchecked by default. If it is checked, not only will dispatchers see the unassigned jobs for the current day, but they will see all unassigned jobs from the past as well. 
  • When creating or editing a job, all information about the equipment will now be displayed in the equipment field. 
  • We’ve added a listing for the day, along with the date in the upper right corner of the Dispatch Board. 
  • The Tech Details screen now includes additional details from our Power BI reports.
  • We've added an automatic refresh option that works on a timer to refresh the Dispatch Board in case you have multiple dispatchers making changes at the same time. To enable or disable the automatic refresh, and change the timer on which it runs, click the "Edit & Filter View" button in the top right corner of Dispatch, and then select the "Edit Default View" tab.
  • If the Comm Center, Schedule, and Live Map buttons do not have room to display across the top of the Dispatch Board, they are now collapsed into three vertical dots.  Just click the three vertical dots to select any of these three buttons.
  • In the Unscheduled drawer, we've collapsed the Jobs and Agreement Visits toggle behind three vertical dots. Just click the three vertical dots to toggle between seeing Jobs and Agreement Visits.


Employee Manager

  • On the Employee Management page, only the active employees will be shown by default. The inactive employees can be displayed by changing the filter on the page.
  • If a user does not have the User Role permission for Payroll Setup but they do have access to the Employee Manager screen, the Wage Information tab will not be visible to them. 
  • We’ve added an option to access miscellaneous wages from the Employee Management screen. If a user clicks the ellipsis on the right side of the screen, the Miscellaneous Wages option will appear.


General Ledger

  • When editing a Category in the Pricebook, you can now specify the General Ledger Account and General Ledger Sub Account in the Expense type and Sales type drop-down fields.
  • In Payroll Setup, in the G/L tab, if you navigate to the Deductions and Expenses screen, you will now see searchable fields for both Accounts and Subaccounts.


Inventory Manager

  • Once a receipt has been posted, you can now create an invoice from that receipt.


Invoice Manager

  • When the Post option is selected from the drop-down, Sales Quotes will no longer show.
  • If a Job has a paid invoice, or is linked to a purchase order, it can no longer be changed to a Sales job from the Edit Job screen.
  • If the invoice for a Job has not been paid, it can be changed to a Sales Job. The invoice will be changed automatically to a Sales Quote. Also, if a Sales job is changed to a regular Job, as long as no payment has been received, the Sales Quote will automatically be changed into an invoice.
  • Invoices can now be printed in batches. Up to 50 can be combined into a single PDF at a time. If more than 50 invoices are selected, multiple PDFs will be available for printing. 
  • Printed customer invoices now include the customer’s phone number and email address at the top of the invoice. 
  • On the Enter Cost screen of the Invoice Manager, you are now able to edit the description of a miscellaneous cost.
  • We’ve improved the address formatting on invoices. 
  • Third party contracts are now saved based on the service location.


Job Manager

  • We’ve added Department and Job Progress as filters in the Job Manager.
  • The Job Details screen is now available by clicking on a job in the Jobs tab on the right side of the screen.
  • The Job Details screen now shows who sold the job.
  • More information has been added to the drop-down fields Permit Type Code and Issuing Agency. This includes the Description and Stage Type for the Permit Type Code drop-down, and the Description information in the Issuing Agency drop-down. 
  • In the Edit Job screen, the Department field is now available. If a user does update the Department, a confirmation message will ask if the Department field on the corresponding invoice should be updated as well.
  • Users can now edit the service location from the Job Details screen, Call Handling, and Dispatch.
  • When Printing or Previewing a Work Order from the Job Details screen, the Equipment Details will now be displayed. It will also display a Bar Code, and fields for Instructions, Contact, Claim, Contract #, and Equipment Age.
  • On the Opportunities tab of the Job Details screen, you can now directly create a job for that opportunity, which can then be scheduled and assigned like any other in Dispatch.


Journal Entry

  • When adding or editing a Journal Entry, the Department drop-down will now show the Department Description along with the Department Code. Users are also now able to type out a search in the Account and Department fields.


KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Management

  • In User Management, we’ve added two new roles under Setup to allow users to create and view the new KPI Management functions.
  • The new KPI Management screen can be used to add or edit KPIs, and the main page can be filtered and sorted.
  • Individual employees can have targeted KPIs, rather than just having the KPIs for their employee type. If an individual employee has a KPI assigned to them, it will override any corresponding KPI for their employee type. 
  • We’ve created filters for the new KPI Management screen to show filtered results.


Purchasing Manager

  • Users can now run a search for all Purchase Orders without having to select the status of the PO first.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the discount amount was only being determined by the discount percent, even if the user selected a particular discount amount.
  • You can now add or edit a purchase order for Closed jobs.
  • When you batch import vendor parts, we’ve added a Help screen. It can be found by clicking the Instructions button at the top of the screen.
  • We’ve updated the system to allow duplicate invoice numbers as long as it is for different vendors. An invoice number can only be used once for each vendor.


Payables Manager

  • On the Pay Bills screen of the Payables Manager, you can now sort the columns as needed.
  • On the PO tab of the Purchasing Manager, we’ve enhanced the ratio of Purchase Orders to Receipts to display more receipts.
  • You can now open the invoice from the Vendor Account History screen in the Payables Manager.



  • We’ve embedded the reports below directly into the Payroll screen:
Miscellaneous Wage Report
Payroll Period Summary
Time Card Report
Wage Summary Listing Report
Wage Source Report
Deferred Wages Report
  • In the Wages tab of the Employee Details screen, you can now see the description and code in the PayItem and Department fields. You can also type out a search in those fields to narrow down the list of results.



  • If the pricing method is changed on any category from Default to Custom and the user saves the item without clicking the recalc pricing option, the price on the item will not change.


Project Management

  • When filling out the Project Details, you can now see the full Customer Name/Company information in the drop-down.


Receivables Manager

  • We’ve enhanced the columns in the Receivables Manager so you can now sort by Account ID, First Name, Last Name, and Company Name.


Reference Library

  • You can now sort by Expenses Type in the Reference Library.



  • We’re removing almost all of the Beta suffixes from our new Power BI reports.
  • On the Transactions Report, you can now select multiple General Ledger accounts and we’ve added a “Posted By” option to the Sort By drop-down.
  • On the Opportunity Report, we’ve added the Salesperson field. The Salesperson field has also been added to the Opportunity Management screen and to Sales Call section of Call Handling. 
  • On the Wage Source Report, if you select to the show the SSN, it will be displayed in the report.
  • On the Income Statement Report, we’ve added a Compute Balances button.
  • On the Credit Scorecard Report, multiple Department and Salesperson options can be selected.
  • On the Sales Invoice Report, you can now type out a search for the Item Code.
  • On the Sales Analysis Report, you can now select multiple options in the Salesperson and Primary Tech fields.
  • On the Job Permit Report, you can now select multiple options in the Department field.
  • The GL Transaction Report no longer loads data immediately upon being opened, rather than creating a report on this month’s data by default.
  • On the Commission Summary and AR Invoice List Reports, you can now use the Group 2 field to group the data by two different fields.
  • On the Purchase Order Item Report, you can now select multiple options for the Warehouse and Department fields.
  • On the Sales Tracking Report, you can now select multiple options for the Salesperson field, and Salesperson has also been added into the Group By options.


Successware Mobile Support

  • Dispatchers can now remove an agreement visit from the Job Details screen if it wasn’t completed. Once it’s removed, the job can then be rescheduled.


Timecard Management

  • Admins can now set a default timecard calibration in the Call Center(Dispatch) screen in Setup. This will round the timecard entries to 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, or 15 minute increments. 
  • While reviewing commissions in the Misc Wages screen, we now show the location of the customer. We’ve also updated the Employee drop-down to show the Employee Code as well as the Employee’s first and last name.



  • We’ve added the option to set up Finance Charges for receivables. These options can be found in the Main Menu by hovering over Setup, selecting Other, and clicking the Receivables tab.
  • To make it easier to have multiple Successware browser tabs open at once, we’ve changed our browser tabs to specify the module or screen that is open, rather than having all tabs just say Successware.



Release Date: May 7, 2024 - R3.15.3

Successware will be rolling out the new Microsoft Power BI reports throughout the first quarter of 2024. The reports below are included in the 3.15.3 release.

Location History Lists job history for each location within selected range.
Sales Invoice Item List of invoice items that can be used to report pay base, item detail or hours/cost/margin.
Deferred Wages Shows wages that were earned in one payroll period prior but have been or will be released in a future period.
Call Backs Shows the total number of call backs over a period of time, as well as sale and cost information related to those call backs.
Work in Progress Displays cost, invoice billings and gross profit information for project work that is in progress.
Job Scorecard (now includes Projects) The Job Scorecard report allows you to review a number of figures related to Jobs completed in a specified date range. The information contained in the in the Job Scorecard report is gathered primarily from the Job Summary form and the employee's timecard.
Service Location Can select by date added to system and includes options for agreements and history, can be run by lead source.
Work Orders Lists all work orders (job information) that were scheduled over a period of time.
Credit Scorecard Lists totals and averages of credits over two periods of time.
Sales Invoices List of invoices that can include cost detail and profit margin.
Third Party Contract Plan Type List This report shows any contract plans that are used by customers that are not connected to your business.
Sales Analysis Describes the revenue earned from sales calls across a period of time.
Wage Source Allows for display of wage information for selected employees for a selected payroll period.
Equipment Comparison List Allows for the display of locations that have certain equipment of varying ages and compare that against other locations. In addition, this multi-purpose report allows you to search by service types performed.


Release Date: April 23, 2024 - R3.15.2

Successware will be rolling out the new Microsoft Power BI reports throughout the first quarter of 2024. The reports below are included in the 3.15.2 release.

Account Payable 1099 Listing

Reports vendor payments to 1099 vendors. Can include allocation detail. 

Agreement Profitability

Per agreement, compares revenue vs. cost for maintenance, service or combined.

Agreement Reserve Analysis

Per agreement, service reserved, reserve charges and overcharges.

AP Pending Transactions

Includes un-posted invoices that have posted to the pending payables account. You can print for a particular vendor, invoice or purchase order number. Includes options to print invoice summary or summary only.

Billing Customer List

List of billing accounts, which can be printed only for accounts with multiple locations.

Equipment List

Allows for the display of equipment by location.

Equipment Warranty List

Allows you to create a list of Warranty expirations based on date, equipment and warranty criteria.

Inventory Part Valuation

Allows you to see the value of items in inventory.

Phone Calls Report

Report of incoming telephone calls includes lead source, reason, and taken by information. You can select to include or exclude sales calls and can run the report for concerns. Select expanded detail to see all notes, including concern resolution.

Pricebook Item List

Allows for the printing of items that are in the Pricebook.

Sales Invoice Item

List of invoice items that can be used to report pay base, item detail or hours/cost/margin.

Time Slot Capacity

Shows the available time slots, as well as how many scheduled appointments are available, and the maximum number of appointments for each time slot.

Time Slot Defaults

Lists the available time slots, the maximum number of appointments allowed for each, and whether overbooking is allowed.



Release Date: April 9, 2024 - R3.15

Successware will be rolling out the new Microsoft Power BI reports throughout the first quarter of 2024. The reports below are included in the 3.15 release.

Warehouse Stock List

Creates lists of items as well as number on hand by warehouse.

Service Location List

Can select by date added to system and includes options for agreements and history, can be run by lead source.

Warehouse Stock Valuation

Total valuation of stock items by warehouse.

Sales Call Sheet

Details the sales reports over a period of time, any notes that were made about the sales call, and the result of each call.

Trial Balance

Can be run for all or a selected account.  You can select to expand detail for account (transactions), sub-account, or department.

Sales Invoice Items

List of invoice items that can be used to report pay base, item detail or hours/cost/margin.

Permit Stages

Lists permits by current stage for any date range.



  • Jobs can now be scheduled even when a permit is required.
  • The ability to show or hide apprentices has been implemented.
  • Equipment for the job can now be edited.
  • All icons for any assignment can now be viewed based on the status and/or priority of the assignment.
  • Assignments now have text along with icons and background colors based on assignment progress.


  • QR Codes are now shown for Item Numbers in the Warehouse Stock List Report.


  • Implemented batch framework for calculating employee overtime.
  • Users can view and confirm the accuracy of deferred wage details as part of total wage calculations.
  • User gets payroll action confirmation via onscreen notification with option to update/edit incomplete data via a pop-up.


  • Successware Payments users can now use card tokenization to make direct payments.

Agreement Manager

  • The columns have been updated to avoid users having to scroll for important fields.

Customer Manager

  • Happy Checks can be saved on the Happy Check tab of Job Details drawer.
  • The restriction on character limit on email field while editing the email has been increased to 240 characters.

Job Manager

  • The ability to filter by un-finalized jobs has been implemented.


  • Users can setup finance charges for receivables under the General Setup screen.


  • Users can view expense and sales type descriptions.


Release Date: March 22, 2024 - R3.14.3

Successware will be rolling out the new Microsoft Power BI reports throughout the first quarter of 2024. The reports below are included in the 3.14.3 release.

AP Item Distribution

List of purchased items that include the expense type, general ledger account number, amount, and invoice and job numbers. Can select to include expanded detail which also includes GL Transaction IDs for the receipt and invoice.

Open Receivables

Per billing account, reports receivables information. Can be run for all aging categories or for transactions that are over 30, 60 or 90 days old in detail, summary or total only format. You can calculate balances using all allocations or only those in the selected date range. You can include billing account notes as well.


Lists calls assigned to technicians, includes progress and duration information.

Inventory Parts List

Lists parts by multiple filters and criteria.

Sales Tracking

Allows for the generation of information about sales calls in a specified date range.

Inventory Transactions

Lists all Inventory transactions posted in a specified date range.

Agreement Visits Due By Month

Can be printed in summary or detail to list visits due by month in a selected range.

AP Vendor List

Prints a list of vendors. This report can also be run for 1099 vendors only. You can include addresses and remit addresses for each vendor.


Release Date: March 12, 2024 - R3.14.2

Successware will be rolling out the new Microsoft Power BI reports throughout the first quarter of 2024. The reports below are included in the 3.14.2 release.

Job Cost Analysis

The Job Cost Analysis report allows you to display cost, sale and margin information based upon posted, job-related transactions.

Open Payables

Per vendor, reports payables information. Can be run for all aging categories or for transactions that are over 30, 60 or 90 days old in detail, summary or total only format. You can select to calculate balances using all allocations or only those in the selected date range.

Employee List

Can include personnel, job, hire/pay and/or miscellaneous information.

Miscellaneous Wage

Will optionally show hourly wages, piece rate wages and/or commissions.

Agreements Due for Renewal

Lists agreements due for renewal in a selected range.

Agreement Anniversary

Per agreement, reports commissions to be paid for new and renewed agreements, and on anniversary dates for perpetual agreements.

AR Invoice List Report

List of invoices that can be printed using many selection options, such as completed calls that have un-posted invoices, and can include invoice detail or only invoices greater than zero dollars.

Purchase Order Status

Reports the status and amounts of purchase orders. Can select a specific job, vendor invoice number, or purchase order number. Can select to include all status P.O.s or specific statuses (ordered, partially received, fully received and/or closed). Can include canceled purchase orders.

Invoice Item Details

Allows you to list all cost detail items that were recorded on the invoice.

Check Register

Lists account register items. Can select item types of deposits, withdrawals or adjustments for transaction types of adjust, BNKDEP, check, CSHDEP, CSHKPT, CSHOUT, RECPT, WRTOFF, XFRIN, and XFROUT. Can select to include cleared, not cleared or all transactions.

Pending Agreement Renewals

Lists renewals that have been created but not activated.

Happy Checks

Lists the date of the last Happy Check, and any notes that were made during the check.

Payroll Period Summary

Generates a payroll summary by selected payroll period.

AR Transactions

Select to print all types of transactions or select specific types to include on the report (payments, deposits, adjustments, finance charges and/or invoices). Can include allocation detail and negated transactions. For adjustments, you can select a specific adjustment code.

AP Invoice list

Invoice list can be printed for posted, un-posted, or all. You can select to print by adjustment status (i.e. in adjust mode, has been adjusted, etc.) Can include invoice and/or item detail and can include canceled invoices.


Release Date: February 27, 2024 - R3.14.1


We're introducing a new reporting and analytics platform, powered by Microsoft Power BI in the new Successware Platform. Power BI is the industry leading software for reports and analytics, which will give you more power, flexibility, a more intuitive user experience, and will allow you to tap into a new level of insight into your business. It also sets the foundation for unlimited possibilities in the future by combining Successware’s unparalleled knowledge of the industry with the most innovative reporting/analytics platform.

The new reporting functionality includes all of the reports that we currently use in Successware Classic and the new Platform, with filters conveniently located at the top. This will ensure quick and easy access to essential data. We can filter by job type, city, dates, job class, status, and many more parameters based on each report.

Successware's new reporting functionality also offers seamless export options, allowing users to export reports in Excel, PDF, Word, PowerPoint and CSV formats. This flexibility makes it easy to share critical information with key stakeholders who may not have access to Successware. These Power BI reports are seamlessly integrated into Successware, eliminating the need for a Power BI license. All the reports are included directly in Successware at no additional cost.

Successware will be rolling out the reports throughout the first quarter of 2024, starting with reports like Agreement Billings Due, Balance Sheet Financial Report, Commission Summary, Job Summary Analysis, and more! All of our current reports will leverage Power BI capabilities by the second quarter of 2024.


How to Access the New Power BI Reports

We will roll out the new Power BI reports in an incremental fashion. Please note that the existing reports provided in Successware Platform will continue to be available in the Report menu. In addition, the new Power BI reports will be available in the same menu and will be marked with a “Beta” tag. (Refer to the screen below.) We strongly recommend using the new reports to get familiar with the new capabilities. The number of Power BI reports will continue to grow as we deliver them incrementally. Once the new reports are well established, they will move out of “Beta” phase.


Inventory Movement

Reports the sum of quantities and values for all requisitions/returns over a specified time period from the list of all items or all stock items. Can be used to find slow moving parts in your inventory.

Commission Summary

Displays a summary of commissions earned by employee, pay period, job number or specific date range.

AP Aging

Displays the payables information for all or only open items by aging category. Can be run for all aging categories or for only items over 30, 60, or 90 days in detail, summary or total only format.

AP Transactions

Prints all types of transactions or specific types (payments, adjustments, and/or invoices). Can include allocation detail and negated transactions. For adjustments, you can select a specific adjustment code.

Agreement List

Prints agreements based on selection criteria for active and inactive agreements. Can include equipment covered, customer location detail and number of visits.

Agreement Deferral Analysis

Displays per agreement, reports amount billed, used and deferred and deferral charges.

Receipt-Invoice Integrity Report

Compares AP invoices to POs by PO number and numbers on those POs by item number looking for discrepancy.

Job Permits

This report shows general permit information including stage detail for each permit included.

Statement of Cashflows

Displays net income and all adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operations. The report is formatted to display by GL account and can be run for any fiscal period.

Wage Summary Listing

List of all earning employee within a specified date range. Can be limited by employee code or employee type.

Agreement Billings Due

Lists agreements with periodic billings due in the selected range.

Management Comparison

Allows for the comparison of certain job information between two specified dates ranges.

Job Summary Analysis

Generates summary total information about jobs performed within a specified date range.

Employee Timecard

Under this report, employee timecard entries can be grouped by date, department or city.

Sales Tax

Report can be run for all or only taxable sales and can be grouped by tax code or sub-code.

GL Transactions

Lists posted general ledger transactions. Can select a specific origin or origins and use filters to select a specific department, account #, sub-account, reference ID or transaction ID.

Technician Productivity/Profitability

Allows for the tracking of the productivity of technicians based upon timecard entries, job information, revenue and a number of other factors.

AR Aging

Per billing account, reports receivables by aging category can be run for all aging categories or only items that are over 30, 60 or 90 days old. Report can be run in detail, summary or total only format and can be run for customer deposits only.

PO Item Status

Reports the status and number of purchases by item.

Chart of Accounts

Prints the Chart of Accounts. Can select to include sub-accounts.

Income Statement

Can be run for a period or group of periods for all departments, selected departments combined, or Selected departments separately. sales and taxes can be summarized or printed in detail. Can select to show account numbers and/or expand sub-accounts. All department and combined department reports can be run as a comparative report to compare periods or groups of periods.

Balance Sheet Financial Report

Prints Balance sheet by period. Can select to expand sub-account detail.


Release Date: January 29, 2024 - R3.14

Accounts Payable

  • The correct jobs are displayed on the basis of the job type filter in the new vendor invoice within the Payables Manager.
  • Users can now create new invoice templates against the posted invoices when selecting the Make Recurring Invoice option.


Accounts Receivable

  • Users can now see the default payment method on the Create Receipt screen. The payment method could be cash or another type of payment method.
  • The AR receipt can be seen as marked and posted under Accounts Receivable.


Receivables Manager

  • In the Receivables Manager, if the billing account is commercial then Company Name becomes a mandatory field.
  • Users can now open an Invoice from the Billing Account History drawer in the Receivables Manager.


Agreement Manager

  • Users will be able to bulk renew all the agreements.
  • Users can now edit visits for an active agreement in Agreement Manager.
  • In the Agreement Manager, users can now see a tooltip next to the drop-down to select a component/type.
  • Users with the appropriate permissions now have the ability to unmask bank account numbers.
  • If the user changes the agreement type or made it inactive then the agreement will not get impacted.


Call Handling

  • When the user creates the job from Call Handling, new buttons and links have been added such as Reschedule, Go To Dispatch, Cancel Job, Create New Job.
  • Users can now see job information in the call back drop-down on the create job form along with added data table options like date, job class, job type, and job number.



  • A right click option is implemented on the Day view, Week view and Assignment view of the Dispatch board. Users can now view options like job detail, add assignment, cancel job, sending Assignments for the job, time slot and requisition with a right click.
  • On the Dispatch board, users can now sort the Unscheduled and Unassigned drawers with two options- the Latest Assignment or Priority Jobs.
  • The Filters and Default View settings have been combined on the Dispatch board to make it easier to see the most important aspects of the Dispatch board at a glance.
  • More detailed information has been added to the drawers on the left side of the page.
  • In the job drawer on the left side of the page, if you users select the Agreement Visits option, a filter has been added to sort by the default, or by equipment age.
  • Filters have been added to the Agreement Visits section of the Unscheduled job drawer on the left side of the page. The filter options include, Zone, Visit type, Agreement Number, Agreement Type, Phone Number, and Zip code.
  • By right clicking on an assignment in the Dispatch board users can access options like Job Detail, Requisition, and Cancel Job.
  • If you are using our Connection module, the phone number is now clickable on the Dispatch board.
  • Users can now select multiple technicians while filtering the Dispatch board.
  • Users can now send a communication via the dispatch board screen from the Comm Center. Communications can be sent for the job to an employee for a specific assignment.
  • At the bottom of the Dispatch board, a new section has been added called, "Job Quick View". Users can now see links that will show more information on Invoice, Location History, Opportunities, and Equipment/Warranties.


Time Slot Capacity Management

  • Time Slot over booking functionality is enabled under Assignment view, Week view and Day view on Dispatch and Call Handling screens.


Communication Center

  • Implemented the Comm center main screen in the Dispatch board. The functionality of sending a communication via the dispatch board screen has been added.
    In the Comm Center, users can now see two radio buttons for Show Employee & Show Job info in the configuration drawer. Those two radio buttons will expand into various checkbox options.
  • Users can configure the default subject to be set for an email under the configuration drawer of the Comm Center.
  • In the Comm Center, users will get a confirmation while sending an email to an employee with the details in the message body.
  • Users can now open the Review Message drawer to see the message that was sent out.
  • Users can now see detailed information regarding the 'Create Group' button in the Comm center screen and 'Groups’ in Comm Center Configuration page.
  • Validation error is enabled when user tries to send email and no email ID exists either in Comm class or in business settings.


Inventory Manager

  • We've fixed the decimals issue that appeared in fields such as Pricebook item total value and total quantity.


Invoice Manager

  • A batch post feature has been added for the ‘Ready to Post’ invoices.
  • Users can now edit the check number, routing number, bank account number and payment authorization from the Edit Payment screen.
  • Users will get a warning message when canceling a job if the linked invoice has any items in it.
  • Users can view the retainage amount within the Preview/Print PDF option.
  • Users can see an estimated time for completing the batch posting process under the Ready to Post Drawer.
  • Users have the ability to revise the standard hours fetched from the Pricebook on the Invoice Items Details tab.
  • Users can see the updated quantity of items in the Item Details section in the Enter Cost Screen.
  • Users can now select any payment method while refunding a customer.
  • Users can verify calculations on the agreement and invoice manager grid while editing/deleting existing payments on the Apply Payments screen if periodic invoices have been marked as paid.


Job Manager

  • Users can add and view Vendor invoices from the Job Details screen.
  • Under Edit Job details, users can now edit the job number and zone of the existing job. Users can also change the primary tech for the job.


Project Management

  • The Phase Type Code can be automatically suffixed to the Job Number to identify project jobs.



  • Users can post a customer deposit along with a Job invoice.
  • Enhanced error handling for Successware Payments direct and token payments.
  • Users now have the ability to refund to the payment method credit card and bank draft even when no payment provider is configured.
  • When a user deletes the payment record on an invoice and the payment is already deleted on Successware Payments then the relevant message is displayed.
  • Users can now see payment fields while saving any payment method other than Credit Card/ACH when the payment provider is none.
  • When payments are updated or deleted in Successware Mobile, those actions are better reflected in Successware Platform's invoice posting, customer deposits, account balance, and account deposit.



  • In Payroll Setup, users can specify whether overtime pay rates and double time pay should be automatically awarded after a certain number of hours.
  • In Payroll Setup, users can select the AvgRegRate checkbox while adding and editing pay items.
  • In Payroll Manager, under the Employee Details section, users can apply regular overtime and AvgRegRate while adding and editing wages.
  • Users can add and verify double time options in the Timecard Manager and Payroll Manager screens.
  • User can apply regular overtime or use the AvgRegRate option while editing timecard entries in the Employee Details screen in the Payroll Manager.



  • The Job Cost Analysis report found in the Management Reports section has two new filters. They are “Include Commissions In Cost” and “Adjust For Visit Values And Value Of Maintenance Agreement Sold”.
  • The Open Payables report found in the Accounts Payable section, now has a filter for overdue payments.
  • The Sales Analysis report found in the AR Invoice section has updated functionality around the filters Job Lead Source Type, and Location Lead Source Type.
  • Corrected formatting for the "1099-MISC/1099NEC" report found in the Accounts Payable section.


Reference Library

  • Users can select the AvgRegRate checkbox while adding and editing pay items.
  • The delete option for library items has been removed, but items can still be marked as inactive.


Timecard Management

  • Timecard entries for the job can now be seen on the job invoice.
  • Users can now apply regular overtime or AvgRegRate while adding or editing a timecard entry.
  • Users can edit and save recurring entries with a redirect to the Recurring Entries screen.
  • In the Add Employee screen from the Timecard Assistant, users can now select multiple employees, apply filters, add, delete, and clear all selected employees from the list.
  • Users can create multiple timecard entries for the selected date.
  • A Review option has been added to the Timecard Assistant screen so users can review existing timecard entries.
  • Users can reopen a closed job while adding and editing Timecard entries.
  • From the Timecard Manager, users can preview and then print the Timecard Assistant Review report.



Release Date: October 27, 2023 - R3.13

Duplicate Customer Merge

The Duplicate Customer Merge utility displays possible duplicate customers, locations, and billing accounts for inspection and possible merge. It is important that each item is evaluated carefully before merging. Once accounts are merged the ‘Merge From’ account is permanently deleted from the database.

Agreement Manager

  • Users can now find the ‘Add Agreement’ page on the Agreement Manager, Invoice Manager, and Call Handling screens.

  • Users can now add, edit, and delete visits on agreements.

  • Users can make payments toward agreements and change any billing account information.

  • Users can renew agreements from the Invoice manager.

  • Users can now add commissions to employees that have sold agreements.

  • Users can now add or edit the following on Pending and Active agreements- Billing Information, Agreement details, Commissions/ Sales, Visit Schedule, and Equipment list.

  • Users can now see Pricing Calculation fields under the Agreement Manager.

  • Users can now see new fields while Adding or Editing Converted Agreement.

  • Users can now see the payment drawer while adding and editing a pending agreement.

  • Applied a new payment component when adding or editing the agreement.

  • When adding an agreement, the default visit schedule will match the number of visits and years on the agreement template.

  • The Sale Date field is now automatically populated with the Start Date entry on the Agreement Manager screen.

  • Users can now see tax codes on invoices from the Add/Edit Agreement.

  • Users can now see the following details on the Add/Edit Agreement screen- Customer Name, Phone Number, and Service Location.


  • We created a reusable payment component.

Invoice Manager

  • On the Invoice Manager screen, while selecting the Employee pay base, the user can no longer save the form without answering mandatory fields.

General Ledger

  • Users can review the General Ledger for posted and adjusted receipts on the Inventory Manager, Purchasing Manager, and Accounts Payables.

Accounts Payables

  • On the Payables Manager screen, when an invoice and item are added, and the Purchase Order is not attached, then the user cannot see "Exp Qty", "BOd", and "Canceled quantity".


  • Created the API and Database structure to support a grid export.

  • Added a user-friendly Date picker option to the Inventory Movement report.


  • Added the ‘Apply Payment’ button functionality for a vendor invoice in the Purchasing Manager.

  • Users with the permission to create a PO cannot create Receipts/Invoices for a canceled PO.


  • Enabled the functionality of Restricting adjust on the "Payroll Period Reconciliation" screen if checks are posted to the bank/checking account.

Account Register

  • Enabled the functionality of Lock/Unlock while performing account reconciliation on the Account Register.

  • Enabled a validation check on posting or adjusting the reconciliation from the Account Register screen.

Business Setup

  • Users can now add standardized notes to sales quotes and those notes can be seen on the PDF.


Release Date: September 15, 2023 - R3.12

Add major updates to the existing platform, bug fixes, and security enhancements as of September 15, 2023.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.12


Purchasing Wizard:

The Purchasing Wizard allows for the creation of purchase orders based upon restocking requirements (min/max or usage) or task parts lists.  The wizard automatically creates an item list that identifies all the items to be ordered. If the item’s PriceBook setup identifies a primary vendor, that information will be included in the list as well.  The list will then be used as the basis for creating purchase orders.   

Using the Purchasing Wizard will consists of:

  1. Creating/Opening the item lists

  2. Creating a Restock List

  3. Creating a Simple List

  4. Maintaining item lists

  5. Creating Purchase Orders


    •  Implemented Filters on Account Payable Listing Report

    • The active accounts are displayed by default in the accounts tab on Payables Manager screen .

    • User can apply sorting on Accounts Tab on Payables Manager screen and Vendor Account History

    • Adjustment validation enabled for a specific account which is out of balance.

    • Vendor information can be seen after saving the Invoice on the Payable Manager screen.

    • Validation message added while posting/adjusting Vendor Invoice or receipt.

    • Sorting is enabled on the columns under the payment screen on Payable Manager.

Call Handling:

    • User can search by billing account number while creating/editing a job.

    • User can select a payment method while adding/ creating customer, new job Agreement Manager

    • User can select Billing account while editing/adding a job.

    • Create New customer button is added to the Call Handling screen.

    • Enter Key is enabled when creating a new customer on Call handling screen.

    • Reserve Balance field is removed under Equipment warranty screen.

    • Assignments related to the job along with date, Time, Technician name and Primary/ Secondary assignment tag can be viewed under Jobs in call Handling screen.


    • Data Reporting mismatch is fixed for Accounts payable 1099 listing.

Agreement Manager:

    • User can type billing account number, company name, First or last name while creating a job from the Agreement Manager.

    • User can terminate a converted Agreement.

    • User can cancel the visit and it's removed from the visit schedule.

    • User with permissions on Agreement Manager can review the relevant details of visits and take appropriate actions.

    • Fields related to payment method as check are now available under Agreement payment screen.

    • Renewal notices can be downloaded in a zip folder.

    • Payment is displayed, when Invoice is marked as paid for periodic invoices from agreement manager.

Employee Manager

    • Employee can be removed from the dispatch board by removing all the qualifications and Skills in Employee setup.


    • User can apply sorting on columns under billing account history on Receivables manager and Account Register screen.

    • When user post a cash receipt, the system verifies Post GL conditions.


    • New checkbox ‘Exclude from counter sales’ is added on Pricebook task category edit and add screens.

    • Implemented Validations while deleting Pricebook items if items are used or linked with other modules.

Account Register

    • Prompt message added to allow Adjusted Items, while performing deposit workflow.

    • Validation message is added while Posting payroll period reconciliation if post to register is not checked from the payroll setup.

Invoice Manager

    • Added validation check while posting the invoice.

    • Pay button is removed from the homeowner email when the payment provider is none.

    • User can be allowed to do modifications of few fields after posting invoice successfully.

    • When multiple users working on the same invoice simultaneously and invoice is posted by another user then system will restrict the action and give a pop up message to the user .

    • The user can view the GL review for Posted invoices under Invoice manager.

    • User can add a Counter sale Invoice from Invoice Manager


    • User can apply date filters on Sales Tax and Time Slot Capacity report.

    • User can now generate Marketing list report under job summary analysis.

    • Enabled filters on Print Batch statement report.

    • Enabled date filters on AR Invoice Item Details report.

Receivable Manager

    • User should be able to see Adjust option in Billing account history where no invoice or agreement exists.

Permission and Rules

    • User can view or restrict permissions from User Management and can check/uncheck permissions under report gallery.

Customer Manager

    • User can add/edit/view the Additional spec for equipment.

Timecard Manager

    • The warning icon is replaced by the completed icon on Calculating overtime in Time Card Manager.

Project Management

    • The Job Details are pre- populated while creating a job from Opportunity management or Project Management.


    • Job type, job class and job description are available under basic info while creating new Job or opening any Job under Dispatch board.

    • Selected date is maintained as the user navigate to different dispatch views.

    • Dispatch board is linked to its day view to redirect the user to the day view for that particular date.

    • While assigning a job, no Time preference is be selected by default if it has no time slot defined.


    • Lock/ Unlock is enabled for performing the compute process for GL Account Inquiry, Income Statement, Trial Balance and Cash Flow report.

    • Enabled data integrity check after computing.

Time Slot Capacity Manager

    • Limited the selection to max year, while creating the Time Slot.


Release Date: June 12, 2023 - R3.11x

Add major updates to the existing platform, bug fixes, and security enhancements as of June 12, 2023.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.11



    • Addition of “Filter for Current Vendor” on vendor history grid


    • Allow Dispatcher to save Filters and Grouping on Dispatch Board

    • Add filters to Unassigned, Unscheduled, To Be reviewed and To Be Closed drawers

Call Handling

    • Type ahead auto search function added to name/Company name search

    • Users can now search for customers by email address

    • Users can now view equipment by location

    • Users can now create Counter sales invoice from call handling

    • Job fields are now retained when a sales job is created

    • Show account balances and credit risk on customer profile

Vendor Management

    • Implemented Google address API for adding or editing vendor addresses

Communication Manager

    • Added additional validation when editing opt-in and opt-out settings for comm class

Payroll Manager

    • Employee Setup button added on line item and removed from grid

Invoice Manager

    • Users can now enter cost in Miscellaneous Wage Manager for a Labor item

    • Users can make payment on invoice for unmatched transactions, without processing through payment provider

    • Added Default Warehouse drop-down on counter sale invoice and counter sale credit memo

    • Users can now remove payment from invoice

    • Users can now copy a payment method to job and copy or an agreement.

Agreement Manager

    • Migrated customers can now convert migrated Agreements

    • Users can now clear declined payments in periodic billings

    • Added the ability to search agreements with customer last name

    • Added filters on dispatch board Agreement visits view


    • Added Management Comparison Report

    • Chart of Accounts report now shows Account Type description in filter and report

    • Added additional filters this the Receipt Invoice Integrity report

Receivables Manager

    • Users can now create marketing list from the Receivables Manager grid

    • Edit account function now available in the accounts grid

    • All locations of the customer in billing account customer grid.

Permissions and Roles

    • Added more granular permissions to Customer Service, Agreements, Equipment, Marketing, and Third party Contracts

    • Added more granular permissions to Receivables, Payables, Payroll, Pricebook

    • Added more granular permissions for Invoice Manager including: Alternate post date , Price Override , Create/Post Counter Sales , Enter cost labor: Piece rate, and Credit memo: Apply Refund

Job Management

    • Permit required checkbox added to job details screen and permit permissions screen

    • View equipment associated with the job

    • When adding check as a payment method on the job summary check number field is now available

Tenant Management

    • Tenant Drop-down box is now sorted alphabetically

Customer Manager

    • Show account balances and credit risk on customer profile


Release Date: March 21, 2023 - R3.10x

Adds minor enhancements and bug fixes in Successware Platform R3.10 as of March 21, 2023

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.10


Invoice Manager

  • Added marketing report feature to Invoice Manager

  • Tax code now populates automatically based on location


  • Changes and improvements to the following reports:

    • Equipment List

    • Receipt Invoice Integrity report

    • Job Cost Analysis Report

    • Equipment Comparison List

    • Receivables Starting Balance -Summary Reports

    • Statement of Cash Flow

    • Pricebook Item List

    • Purchase Order Status Report

    • GL Transaction Report

    • Receivables Starting Balance -Summary Report

    • Agreement Profitability

    • Accounts Payables: Open Payables

    • Sales Tracking

    • Invoice List Report

Business Settings

  • Logo image will now resize on upload.

Communication Manager

  • Show company phone number in US format in emails.

Release Date: March 13, 2023 - R3.10

This release of Successware platform adds enhanced Job Management features and navigation. It also adds the ability to schedule the creation and automatic payment of Periodic Invoices in Agreement Manager. The release also includes small engagements and defect fixes across many of the Platform’s modules.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.10


Job Manager

    • Users can now search view and manage jobs from the Job Manager Screen.

    • Users can access the Job Drawer from the Job Manager and the Call handling screens.

    • Users can navigate directly to an Assignment in the on the Dispatch Board from the the Job Drawer.

    • Add the ability to print a Sales Summary or a Call Summary from the Job Drawer.

Communication Manager

    • Technicians are alerted to new assignments through email.

Purchasing Manager

    • Purchase Orders can be sent to a vendor by email

    • Users can export the content of the Purchasing Manager grid view

General Ledger

    • Default accounts and inactive departments in the General Ledger Reference Library can be deleted/deactivated.

Location Management

    • Zones can now be added to the Location form.

Agreement Manager

    • Additional fields added to the Agreement screen.

Business Set up

    • Added Company legal name.

    • Users can manage Work Order PDF fields.

Opportunity Manager

    • Add Agreement to Options.

    • Renew Agreement on Options.

Employee Management

    • Added additional columns to the grid view.

Account Register

    • View and print Remittance Report.

    • Reprint Reconciliation Report.

    • Download Bank Summary Report from Preview Deposit screen.

    • View report of unmatched records for Successware Payments transactions.


    • Enhanced filters and other features on the following reports:

      • Income Statement

      • Trial Balance

Call Handling

    • Job type is now searchable.

Invoice Manager

    • Users can now create and export a Marketing Report from the Invoice Manager.

    • Users can easily filter view the grid view to see only Quotes.

    • Department is now automatically being filled in when adding items to invoice.

    • Tax Code now automatically populates on the Invoice.

Customer Manager

    • Increased size of notes pop up to show more of the included text.

    • Users can now create a customer Customer from the Customer Manager.

Receivable Manager

    • Added the ability to add a Credits Cards and ACH accounts on the billing account.

General Ledger Setup

    • Added Active and inactive department filter.

    • Users can now delete or deactivate default accounts and inactive departments.

Agreement Manager

    • User can now add or remove equipment covered to an active agreement.

    • User can now create and export a Marketing List from Agreement Manager.


    • New companies can now access the QB Link Download link in the Payroll Setup.

    • Added Payroll Locking and multi-user conflict resolution to Prepare functions.


    • System now records the declined payments for Credit Card and ACH transactions.

    • Allows the user to schedule automatic Invoice and Payment Processing for periodic billing.

Support for Successware Mobile

    • Admin can now remove permission for users to be able to they should not be able to login to Web application.

Customer Support

    • Enhanced Customer Support Chat function.

Release Date: January 30, 2022 - R3.9

To deliver enhanced features across many modules in Successware Platform. Notably; Job and Sales summary, more reported to support Payroll and Employee Manager, support for Deposits and multiple payments, the ability to manage non-job related timecard entries on the Dispatch board, and the ability to view and create Requisitions and Purchase Orders from the Job Drawer.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.9



    • Users can now import parts to Inventory

Agreement Manager 

    • Users can use the “Other” option for agreement periodic billing

    • Edit Agreement attached with un-posted invoice

    • Users can now preview Single Notice

    • Create Job [Visits] from an Agreement

    • Users can now edit visit schedule on active agreement

    • Users can now create single periodic invoice

    • Users can now print Single Renewal Notice

Campaign Manager 

    • Users can now attribute a marketing phone number with a Lead Source


    • Incoming Phone number now also populates lead source

Employee Management 

    • Ability to Mask/Unmask the SSN number

    • User can select multiple skills in the Qualifications and skills drawer for an employee

Project Management 

    • User can now edit and delete manual estimates for the Project

Job Summary 

    • Invoice Information

    • Opportunities Generated

    • Technician credit for sales and opportunities generated on the job

    • Option to add and view a Purchase Order from Job summary

    • View Commissions for Job

    • Add and view Requisitions from Job summary

Sales Summary Features - User can now view:

    • Proposals created

    • The Quote Follow up form including notes

Dispatch Board:

    • Users can now view non-job related Time card entries

    • User can to uncomplete and Assignment

    • User can now see the customer name on job on the Dispatch Board

    • Apply numbered priority to jobs not just the “High” priority flag - Edit Job and Dispatch board

    • All jobs will have a hover with Job details on it

Invoice Manager

    • Option to add and delete multiple payments

    • Options to save the Invoice with Deposit

    • Users can apply a Deposit to an invoice

    • Users can see the Deposit on the invoice

    • Show default payment method on invoice

Account Register

    • Reconcile settled transactions

    • Export CC Transactions from Account Register

Account Manager

    • Void Check number

    • Users can now review Account Statement - Single Statement

    • Users can now view the Remittance Report

    • Users can now reprint Reconciliation Report

    • Users can Print/Preview Account Statement


    • Users can now upload Journal Entries from a file

Customer Manager

    • Users can now add a Counter Sale type Invoice from the Customer Manager

    • Add equipment from Customer Record


    • Decline minimizer

Call Handling 

    • Users can now see Billing Account alternate address

    • Users can add new billing account to an existing customer

    • Apply numbered priority to jobs not just the “High” priority flag - Create Job

Opportunity Manager 

    • Show Billing account/address on Proposal PDF/Preview/Print/Email


    • Commission Summary

    • Customer Opportunities

    • Miscellaneous Wage Report

    • Payroll Period Summary

    • Wage Source Report

    • Wage Summary Listing

    • Time Card Report

    • Deferred Wages Report

    • Miscellaneous Wage Report

Receivables Manager 

    • Support the ability to add a CC/ACH on the billing account

    • Print Checks


    • Enable search on Vendor Number dropdown

    • Enable Serial number field on Receipt split

    • Enable search on Vendor Number dropdown

Payroll Manager 

    • Enhancements to Payroll Locking and multi user conflicts

Accounts Receivable 

    • Refund Option in Accounts Receivable

    • Payables Manager

    • Export account grid export to CSV

Defect Fixes

    • Show Visit type per Agreement Template at Call Handling

    • Purchase Order Date/Expected date filter is not getting retained

    • Dispatch board no longer automatically reflects changes in assignment status from Mobile

    • Issue adding multiple payments to invoice

    • AR Aging report - totals don't match gen 1 (Sprint 18)

    • Call Handling - Status should be in sync of terminated agreement on call handling screen.

    • When the agreement is paid during creation then the associated invoice should not populate the amount at invoice manager.

Release Date: December 22, 2022 - R3.8

To deliver Successware Inventory Module' s reports and printed forms. This release also includes some small enhancements and bug fixes.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.8


Inventory Reports and Forms

    • Part Item List

    • Part Valuation report

    • Warehouse Stock List

    • Warehouse Stock Valuation report

    • Inventory Transactions Detail report

    • Inventory Movement report

    • Print Material Returns report

    • Warehouse Tag form

    • Print Requisition

    • Transaction report

    • Ability to print Stock Grid

    • Ability to print Material Returns

    • Manage Parts Grid - PDF

Set up Inventory Starting Date

Enhancements to managing serialized parts

Record Valued Item in the GL


Release Date: December 22, 2022 - R3.7

To deliver all transactional features of the Successware Inventory Module. This includes managing Warehouses, Stock Items, Receipts, Transfers, Adjustments, Tags and Returns. This release also includes some small enhancements and bug fixes.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.7


Manage Inventory Transactions

    • Filter transactions by daily, Incomplete, Serialized items, items with a quantity less than zero.

    • View Requisitions

    • View Transfers

    • View Returns

    • View Adjustments

    • Post All Transactions

    • Add or edit a serialized item

Manage warehouses

    • Create/Edit/Delete Warehouses

    • View Warehouses

    • Filter warehouses

    • Indicate a warehouse is the primary warehouse

    • View Warehouse list based on the selected Stock item

    • Add stock items to warehouses

      • Manually add stock items

      • import stock items

      • Auto-create stock items

      • Manage Stock Conflict

Create/edit or delete Receipts

    • Create Purchase Order Receipt or Invoice

Manage Warehouse Stock Transfers

    • Add, Edit or Delete Warehouse Stock Transfers

    • Post Warehouse Stock Transfers

    • Adjust Warehouse Stock Transfers - Adjust

    • Mark Warehouse Stock Transfers as Received

    • Restock (Based on MinMax)

    • Restock (Based on Usage)

    • Warehouse Stock Transfers - GL review

    • Replace BinNo, Min, and Max for matching item numbers

    • Un-Receive Warehouse Stock Transfers

    • Warehouse - Print PDF

Manage Inventory Adjustments

    • Add, Edit or Delete Warehouse Stock Adjustments

    • Post Warehouse Stock Adjustments

    • Warehouse Stocks Adjustment - Physical Count Options

    • Warehouse Stock Adjustments - GL Review

    • Adjust All Stock to zero (grid level)

Print stock list to perform a Physical Count

    • Process Part Items as Job Cost

Manage Requisitions

    • Create/edit or delete a Materials Requisition

    • Set all pulled and pulled all zero quantity

    • Copy Quote from Materials Requisition

    • Post a Materials Requisition

    • Adjust a Materials Requisition

    • Materials Requisition - GL Review

    • Zero all pulled/set all pulled

    • Import Requisitioned Parts

    • Navigate to Material Requisition screen from Dispatch - Job Details screen

Managing Tags

    • Maintain Job Inventory Tags

    • Maintain Warehouse Tags

    • View the Warehouse Tag Grid

    • View Serialized Tag

    • Update Invoice cost

Manage Returns

    • Create, edit or delete a return

    • Post a Return

    • Adjust a Return

    • Material Returns - Set all items to Zero

Release Date: September 30, 2022 - R3.6

To deliver enhanced features across many modules in Successware Platform. Features to support billing account enhancements with updates to Communications Manager.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.6


Billing Account 

    • Allow search in billing account history to fetch general billing accounts and billing accounts without locations.

    • Show billing account and billing account address on invoice.

    • Save primary billing account on job, opportunity, Agreement.

    • Fetch billing account, other billing account and show details on customer information.

    • Show Service location and billing account based on customer selection.

    • In Customer Manager, allow auto-search address to show service location, billing account and other billing accounts.

    • Show Company name on Project Manager, Call Handling, And Opportunity screens

Import Email Templates into Communication Manager


Release Date: September 14, 2022 - R3.5

Additional features for Communications Manager including: Add/Edit Comm class, Updated Dashboard, Gen Comm Grid etc. Enhancement features also enabled in Job Notifications, Job Notification settings, Purchase Order, Invoice Manager and Call Handling.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.5


Communication Manager

    • Add/Edit Comm Class

    • Updated Comm Dashboard

    • General Communications Setting Grid

    • Communication Review- Message Attachment

    • Display Comm messages for error information

    • Display message HTML for Comm review

    • Display customer communication template

    • Email template form in communications

    • Displays communication preference form

    • Permission to access communications manager

Job Notifications

    • Closed Notification

    • Dispatch Notification

    • Reminder Notification

    • Rescheduled Notification

    • Booking Notification

Job Notification Settings

    • Update Notification
    • Enable Service Option

Purchase Order

    • Logo display on PO PDF

    • Logo display on invoice PDF

Invoice Manager

    • Billing Account to display additional details - Account Name, Company etc.

    • Billing customers Report

    • Quoted invoice Email Template

Call Handling

    • Show description for lead source

Release Date: August 3, 2022 - R3.4

Add additional features for payments including adding address information and masking payment details on invoices and recurring payment methods for Agreements. Also, added some enhancements and new features to Agreements, Proposals and Opportunities. Resolved issues regarding searchable fields, discounts.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.4


Payment enhancements

    • Address information is now collected and sent with credit card transactions.

    • Masked credit card information is available for reference.

Project management

    • User can edit and delete manual estimates for the Project

Opportunity Manager

    • Users can Add/Edit Discount Fetch discount details

    • Users can download the Proposal PDF

    • Users can Add/Edit Discount at the item level and the grid display shows discounted price and original price

    • User can send Proposal by email

    • Added support for Custom Opportunity Types

    • User can print and preview Proposal PDF

    • User can apply a discount to a discountable item

Communication Manager

    • User can add company logo to email template

Call Handling

    • Agreement Tax code populates in of Tax code description when creating an Agreement

    • AM/PM choice hidden when Time Slots are not configured for that day

Reference Library

    • Reference Library Discount Type Validation - Amount vs. Percent

Invoice Manager

    • Support saving new payment information for Agreements

    • Open job Number Field in Vendor Invoice is searchable

    • User can send Invoice by email

User Administration

    • Tenant Admin cannot be edited or deleted

    • Users now have the option to indicate which user is tenant admin

Purchase Orders

    • User can send PO by email

    • User can preview PDF in Purchase Orders


    • User can send Agreement invoice by email

    • Description filed is now searchable

    • User can renew Agreement from Agreement Manager

Account Register

    • Check Register Report

UI Enhancements

    • Description fields now searchable for Opportunity Manager, Vendor Invoices, Purchasing Manager, Invoice Manager and Pricebook

Successware Mobile Support

    • Admin can now configure technicians and Track Users

Image Upload

    • Image upload now allows duplicate names


    • Employee List Report


    • Dispatcher can now assign an apprentice

Release Date: July 6, 2022 - R3.3

This release also addressed defects uncovered in beta and regression testing and introduces Successware Payments integration.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.3



    • Add Agreements to Invoice an invoice

    • Renew Agreement on an Invoice

    • Add Agreement visit to an invoice

    • Edit Agreement from an invoice

    • Delete an Agreement from an invoice

    • Ability to create Agreements of all types rather than just periodic and prepaid agreement template type

    • A user can create a Callback Job Manually

    • A user can create a Call Back Job from Job History

    • A user can edit a Call Back Job

    • Zero amount payment agreements should do not require credit card payment

    • Periodic Invoicing View of Agreement Manager features to mark all paid, Mark all unpaid, Mark this paid/Unpaid

    • User can post all Periodic Invoices

    • User can see menu options in Periodic Invoicing View of Agreement Manager to Process Payment, Mark as Paid/Unpaid, Post invoices

Job Management

    • Invoice can be accesses through the Jobs Detail Drawer at all stages of the job progress

    • Job notes can be edited by platform user

    • Implement pagination for the drawers on Dispatch board

    • User should not be able to remove or reschedule assignment if Dispatched or Onsite from Opportunity Manager or Project Manager

    • User should not be able to remove or reschedule assignment if Dispatched or Onsite from Week View and Assignment View

    • User should not be able to remove or reschedule assignment if Dispatched or Onsite from Day View

    • User should not be able to remove or reschedule assignment from Job Drawer if Dispatched or Onsite

Payment processing

    • Support bulk payment processing

    • Save tokenized information of credit card when no payment is done for periodic billing

    • User should be able to process/create periodic invoices for the agreements displayed in grid in Billing due view.

    • Add the ability for user to choose Successware Payments (STAX) as payment processor.

Opportunity Manager

    • Support Repair type opportunity

    • Create and schedule a Job and Copy Quote to Invoice from the Sales Quote

    • Add new columns in the Proposal Table to store the Option Details

    • Support customer Introduction, Closing, and Acceptance Templates for Proposals

    • Allow user to create templates for Introduction, Closing, and Acceptance for Proposals

    • Create proposal from accepted Option

    • Create a Sales Quote when a Sales Job is created

    • Generate PDF in Proposals tab


    • Support permissions for Mobile Track users

Employee Set Up

  • Added the ability for the user to update more employee information:

    • Personal Information Tab

    • Apprentice Form

    • Address and Phone information

    • Work Biography Tab

    • Personal Information Tab

    • Training Tab

Receivables Manager

    • User can create Miscellaneous Cash Receipt Gap

Release Dates: February - May 2022

This release represents the new Successware Platform, which is a modern, innovate, state-of-the-art solution for Trade businesses with rich, end to end functionality. This solution is built on a cloud-native architecture which provides a highly reliable, flexible, scalable and secure platform. This release covers a wide range of business functionality spanning many areas. Here is a high level summary of features included in the release.

System Requirements

Successware Platform version R3.2


Call Handling

    • View customer contact records, Tickets, Agreement Visits and Opportunity records.

    • Record details of customer contacts

      • Search for customers by address name and phone number

      • Schedule and create jobs

      • Record Tickets for customer concerns and follow up tasks

      • Sell new agreements

      • View customer record including Agreements, Jobs, Invoice, Opportunities and Equipment


    • View and Schedule Assignment to Technicians

    • View timecards

    • View Jobs and assignment details

    • Review and finalize jobs

Agreement manager

    • Search and view Agreements

    • Create Agreement Templates

    • Create Agreements

Receivables Manager

    • View and manage accounts

    • View and manage invoices

    • View and make Payments and Adjustments

Invoice Manager

    • Search and view invoices

    • Create an invoice

    • Add a Credit Memo

    • View a PDF and print and invoice

Customer Manager

    • Search for customers by name, phone number or address

    • View location and billing information

    • View upcoming Jobs

    • View all Jobs, Agreement, Invoices, Tickets Equipment, Happy Checks and Opportunities

    • View lifetime invoiced revenue and balance due

Project Management

    • View and Search for existing Projects

    • Create Projects

    • Estimate Projects

    • Create billing schedules and manage invoicing

    • Manage Project Phases


    • Manage Campaigns

    • Manage Opportunities


    • Manage Purchasing

      • Create and manage Purchase Orders

    • Payables Manager

      • View, manage and create Vendor Accounts

      • View posted and unposted Payables Invoices

      • Set up recurring invoices

    • Visual Pricebook

      • Create and manage Pricebook items for Parts, Labor. Misc., Tasks, and Overhead items

      • Add pictures to Categories, Groups other Pricebook items


    • Timecard Manager

      • Manage, adjust and view employee timecards

    • Payroll Manager

      • View process and edit Payroll and past payroll periods

      • Export payroll for submission to Payroll processors


    • Account Register

    • Account Inquiry

    • GL Budget

    • Journal Entry

    • Manage Vendor Balances


    • Report Gallery including operational and financial reports

    • Insights Data Visualization and Analysis Tools

    • Data Export


    • Employee Management

    • Mange GL Activation Dates

    • User management

      • Add and manage system users

      • Manage user access and roles

    • Set up Payroll

    • Set Up General Ledger

    • Manage custom data in Reference Libraries

    • Manage Add-Ons

    • Manage Successware Mobile settings

    • Set up Receivables Starting Balance

    • Manage Customer Call Handling Scripts

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