Classic - Successware Financing

  • Updated

Financing is a feature for Successware Mobile that allows your customers to apply for a loan while you are on a job at their location. This allows you to collect full or partial payments for the job.

Once a customer is approved for a loan through our Mobile app, they can use it to pay for the work right from the Mobile app.  The financing feature is not available on sales estimates, project phases or within the tutorial.


Financing Companies

To use the Financing feature, you will need a merchant account with a financing company. Currently Successware Mobile has a partnership with GreenSky, or you can use our in-house solution, Successware Financing.  This article focuses on utilizing Successware Financing.



If you have trouble with the process below, or have questions along the way, please feel free to reach out to our Support Team, or the Payments Team. If you have questions about failed transactions or merchant account issues, contact our Payments Team. Otherwise, we recommend reaching out to our Support Team.


Successware Support:


Payments Team:




To utilize Successware Financing (SW Financing), you’ll just need to apply by filling out a form online. Once you’re approved, you can give permission to your technicians and salespeople to present the financing options to customers through the Successware Mobile app.



Applying for SW Financing

First, login to Successware, and click the 21 icon in the upper left corner.


Select Setup, then click on Add-On Manager.


Select Browse More Add-Ons at the bottom of the page.


Scroll down until you find SW Financing and click the Add link on the right.

Click the Next button to proceed.

Click the Setup Merchant button.


Click the Start Merchant Onboarding button on the right.


If you have a pre-existing relationship with BuyFin through Authority Brands, select the Existing Merchant button. Otherwise, select New Merchant.

Make sure your business email address is valid, then click Start.

Fill out the Merchant Onboarding form, and click the Submit button once the required fields are filled in.

You will receive an email with a link that will allow you to begin setting up your account.

Fill out the online form with details about your business.  The form will ask a lot of questions about your company’s financial details so that it can approve your application quickly. If you are approved, the system will send small deposits to your bank account to verify the connection.



User Setup

With SW Financing, you’ll be able to specify which of your employees will be able to offer loans through the Mobile app, and who will be administrators that can apply loans to invoices in Successware Classic.

Once you’ve been approved for SW Financing, you should see a Successware Financing button in the top right corner of the main Successware screen.

Click the drop-down on that button to access the Setup Users page.


This will bring up a list of users for your company in Successware. To allow an employee to utilize Successware Financing, click the Enable checkbox on the left side of the screen.


Next, select their User Type. Users can be Administrators, which will allow them to apply loan charges in Successware Classic, or Sales Managers / Sales Reps, which will allow them to offer financing to customers through the Mobile app.

Each employee will need a unique email address. Make sure that every employee who is enabled on this page has a separate email address. A Mobile Phone number is required as well. The Mobile Phone numbers are listed here so that two-factor authentication can be used.



Successware Financing Manager

If you’d like to take a look at all of the loans that have been created with Successware Financing, you can utilize the Financing Manager screen. 

You can access this screen by clicking the Successware Financing button in the top right corner of Successware Classic. This will show you the loans for all of your customers.



You can also access the Financing Manager for a particular customer by opening up a customer account. Right-click on the account, select Open, and click on Financing Manager.



Once you access the Financing Manager screen, you can view all loan activity over a period of time. You can change the date range in the upper left corner.



If you double click on a loan, it will move to the Loan Charges tab to show you more information about the loan.

There is also a Refresh button in the top right corner. This can be useful if you’re on a call with a customer and asking them to approve a loan charge.

On the Loans tab, there is a Show filter that will allow you to select All, Pending, Approved, With Unapplied Charges, Declined, and Expired. Click the radio buttons to change your view of the results on the manager screen. The ‘With Unapplied Charges’ option will show loans that have been approved but have loan charges that have not yet been applied to an invoice.



Offering Financing to Customers

Loans can only be offered to customers through the Mobile app.  The Financing button is available in the top right corner of the screen when creating an invoice or building options.


Tap the Financing button and allow the customer to review the available options.

The customer will click the Apply button for a loan, and they will then receive a text message or email with a link to complete the application process.

If the customer is approved, your technician or sales representative will receive a notification that it was approved.

Your technician can then navigate to the Payment screen in Successware Mobile and select Financing as the form of payment.


The customer will receive a notification of the loan charge and will need to accept the charge.


For more information on using Successware Financing in the Mobile app, check out our article, Mobile for Classic - Using Financing with Successware Financing.


Once the Payment is Received

Once the payment is successful, you will need to either apply the payment to an invoice or post a receipt with the payment applied to the customer’s billing account.

If the invoice is already posted without the payment applied, you can post a receipt on the customer’s billing account.




Loan Charges in Successware Classic

The loan application process in Successware Finance can only be started through the Successware Mobile app.  From Successware Mobile, your technician or salesperson can select the loan on the invoice, in which case the customer will get the payment request automatically.

If a salesperson starts the loan process, or if the customer wants to use an existing loan to pay for an invoice, those loan charges can be applied to an invoice or the customer’s account from Successware Classic.

Whether the loan charge is applied from Successware Mobile or Successware Classic, the customer must approve the charge.



Requesting Payment – Customer on the Phone

If there are any unapplied loan charges, a red circle will appear next to the house icon in the Successware Financing button in the top right corner of Successware Classic.


Inside the red circle will be the number of currently unapplied charges. Click the Successware Financing button and select the With Unapplied Charges filter. Then, double click on the loan with the unapplied charges.


From the Loan Charges tab, select the Unapplied charge.

If you have the customer on the phone, you can click the Open Acct button. This will bring up the Billing Account History screen. From this screen, you can select an invoice and apply the loan charges or, if the invoice is already posted, post a receipt for the loan charge. 


Select the invoice and click the Receipt button in the bottom left corner.

Select the drop-down below the Payment Method options.



Select the loan that will be used to pay the invoice.



Alternately, you could select Other as the Payment Method, and SWFin as the type of payment.

Once you’ve selected the loan or SWFin as the payment method, you will need to click on the loan charge icon next to the Payment Method options.  The icon looks like a dollar sign underneath a house.



The loan charge icon will change color depending on where you are at in the process.

FinanceGold.png A gold-colored icon indicates that you have selected a payment method, but the loan itself has not been selected.

FinanceBlue.png A blue-colored icon indicates that you have selected the loan to use for the payment, but the charge has not been applied.

FinanceGreen.png A green-colored icon indicates that you have selected the charge. It does not mean that the invoice has been posted, just that the charge has been applied to the invoice.


Make sure the loan is selected at the top of the screen and click the Request Payment button.



Enter the amount into the Request Amount field and click the Submit button.



The customer will get a notification to approve the payment request. Once the customer approves it, you can click the Refresh button to have it appear onscreen. Once it appears, click the Select button.



Once the payment is selected, click the Post button to post the payment.




Requesting Payment – Customer Not on the Phone

From the Loan Charges tab, you can also use the Request Payment button.


This will generate the same Request Payment screen as you would see from the invoice, but it will allow you to keep working while waiting for the customer to approve the charge.



The Payment Request screen will also show a balance underneath the Credit Limit. The balance is the total of the charges that have been successful against that loan.

Payment requests expire after 48 hours. If the customer has not approved the request within 48 hours, another request will need to be sent out to them.


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