In this article
Prior to setting up Successware Mobile for Classic, you will need to gather some information, and assign permissions for the app.
Permissions in Successware Classic
- All of your employees that will use Successware Mobile will need a username and password if they do not have one already.
- Refer to our article, Setting up Users / Employees in Successware Classic for Mobile for more information.
- To access the Successware Mobile Admin site, you will need to assign yourself permission in the User Manager.
- Refer to our article, User Permissions for more information.
Mobile Integrations
- A Dropbox account is not required, but it can be very useful if you would like to take pictures or videos on site and make them accessible in the office. Gather your account credentials to add them into Successware.
LAN Customers
- You will need to know your public IP Address and open port.
- You will need to have your IT department enable your server to have port forwarding enabled.
- If you are using another add-on, this is already turned on and you do not need to do this again.
- Port 2143 (with SSL).
- Refer to our article, Setting up the Add-On for more information.
- If you are hosted on a Citrix Environment (Advance2000), this has already been done for you.